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As far as Sehun was concerned, a kiss was something deceiving. It was supposed to signify love and affection and yet somehow, a few drinks and a meeting with a stranger is able to prompt the same gesture? It just didn't seem trustworthy to him, not in the slightest. He was yet to experience the 'magic' of a kiss since never once had he taken any interest in exchanging saliva with another person. Sehun also kind of hated kisses from family too. Feeling his mother or grandmothers moist lips against his cheek? Nothing was grosser. It simply made him cringe. 

Never have I ever wanted to comfort someone with a kiss, as much as I did that moment.

Around a week had passed since the little incident involving Luhan's secret and it had been rough on him. Sehun wouldn't have known just how bad things really were for him though. Whenever they met, Luhan would be smiling, laughing and acting his regular flustered self. In fact, Sehun was even beginning to believe that the boy had overreacted about the whole situation. He really was oblivious to the pain Luhan felt on the inside.

"What are you up to tonight?" Luhan asked, sipping on his bottle of apple juice, lips protruding obnoxiously around the mouth piece. "Can you make it to mine for dinner again, or are you busy?" He fired another question at the grimacing taller boy whose eyes were staring at the glaze of apple juice along Luhan's top lip. Such a child he was.

After sighing lightly, Sehun leaned back in his chair and pondered over his options. Dinner with Luhan for yet another night, or relaxing at home, alone with nothing to interrupt him and his random and rather empty thoughts. Yeah, the latter sounded a lot better actually. No offence to Luhan.

"If you don't mind, I'll skip dinner tonight... home and bed are a really good idea. Thanks for the offer, though," He voiced his decision and offered a very blank smile. Sehun wasn't much of a smiler. He wasn't much of anything, actually.

"Oh, okay," Luhan mumbled, twisting the cap back onto his drink. Something like being rejected for a date flashed across his features, the look of dejection devastatingly obvious. 

Why do you look like that?

"Don't be too disappointed, It's nothing to do with you. I'm just tired."

Luhan nods, looking troubled, unlike a moment ago. Sehun furrowed his brows and couldn't shake the feeling his deer friend was keeping something from him. Maybe he should ask? No, never mind. It wasn't like him to go prying into other people's emotions, so he wouldn't start doing so now.

Sehun checked his watch for the time. Five minutes until final class.

"We should get going," He prompted and stood up, his feet carrying him lazily towards the cafeterias exit.

Without even giving a response, Luhan stood up and followed closely behind the taller. He continued to keep his brave face up, forced his smile back across his lips and exhaled.

To him, it was always time to be brave.


"How have your classes been, sweetie?" Sehun's mother asked over the dinner table, serving a hearty portion of her chicken stew with dumplings and boiled potatoes. 

"Fine," the response was dry and disinterested, but the truth was, he held no desire of talking about his courses outside of uni hours. Law took up enough of his time already, without creeping into his very minuscule personal life. "I'm sure I'll be the best lawyer ever to grace this earth, mom..." Sehun stuffed his mouth with a whole dumpling after mumbling those words and his mother couldn't help scowling.

"Can't you please behave a little more decently?" She tutted, "You'll never attract a girl without nice manners."

"That's fine by me, I haven't any interest in attracting a girl."

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