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They're the worst of everything. Nightmares are all the dark and murky parts of life. Take love, for example. A nightmare about love would always end in hurt, devastation. More often than not it would revolve around loss of a very important person in one's life, maybe death, a disappearance, or maybe the person having said nightmare was never of any significance to this specific person in the first place. Thus they would be overwhelmed with the feeling of unrequited love. Of course, other examples of nightmares would always include monsters, whether it be a made up creature of one's imagination, or a human whose choices are made by a monstrous mind and soul. A person with a black heart, murderer, kidnapper - whichever your imagination might conjure up.

Like most people, Sehun loathed nightmares with a passion but maybe his hatred for them was something stronger than your average person. He loathed them with a passion only one could dream of. Waking up all sweaty, disoriented and shaken is never a nice feeling. A moment during the night where eyes dart around the room, trying to look through a fog thicker than cigarette smoke and then... there's peace. 

Sehun wondered what could be worse than having a nightmare, he thought hard, until eventually, it would hit him and boy did it hit him harshly. The thing worse than having a nightmare would be to live one.

He tossed and turned in his bed, ending up with his face directly in line with his bedside alarm clock. The red numbers flashed 02:37 am and all he wanted was to sleep. However, his mind was busying itself with too many thoughts at once, some of which he was confused about. These thoughts he was having, why were they even there? Why wouldn't they just go away and come back later, come back anytime just not while he's tired and trying to rest? 

"Damn it." He grumbled while sitting upright, his clammy fingers ran through his hair and a sigh parted his chapped lips. Sehun needed to talk it out, but his mother woke up for work in three hours. So, could he really go and wake her up to selfishly pick at her for advice? Could he really do that? This inner conflict went on for a couple of minutes before Sehun finally swung his legs around and pressed his feet to the floor. He stood and carried himself out of his room, floorboards were creaking under his steps while he crossed the hallway.

"Mom?" He whispered, peeking into her room, palm laid flat against her door to push it open that little bit more. There his mother slept, on the left side of the bed while the right stayed empty. Sehun's father was away for work, so it was nice not having to worry about waking him up. That man really wasn't a morning person. "Mom, I can't sleep," His voice was less of a whisper and more of a soft hum by now and he was perched on the edge of the bed beside her sleeping figure.

She stirred as the mattress dipped and opened her eyes to find her son sitting there, almost frightening her half to death. "Hun, what time is it? What's the matter?" She asked groggily but sat up anyway and switched the lamp on, allowing a dull and warm light to flood the room. "Why can't you sleep?" Her eyes were droopy, but she tried to offer some sort of comforting smile to her Sehun.

"My head is too busy and so... I suppose you could say I'm worried about Luhan."

Not just worried, so worried its making me feel sick.

"Luhan?" His mother cocked her head slightly, eyeing her son who really didn't seem to be acting like his usual self. "Why? Is he still upset? Has he said something to cause concern?" Sehun shook his head.

"No, that's just it... he hasn't said anything much at all. Everything involving that little incident that happened, he doesn't speak about it." Sehun sounded and looked frustrated as he spoke, his eyebrows knitting together in the subtlest of frowns. "I know he's still having trouble, but he doesn't talk to me about it, even though he trusts me. He just writes it down in his diary instead, but that surely can't be enough."

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