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Music was a great healer for Sehun. Whenever he was feeling strangely down or stressed, he would immediately blast out music the moment he got home. Often, he worried about causing irritation towards his mother, but she always claimed she didn't mind, simply because his music taste was pleasant to the ears. There was just something about the different sounds, instrumentals and voices that brought comfort and peace to him. Maybe the same would work for Luhan too, in his times of need. Could be worth a shot, right?

A long half an hour had passed since a troubled, broke Luhan had knocked on Sehun's front door. A long half an hour had passed, he was still crying into Sehun's chest like a tired baby fighting in frustration to stay awake. His fists closing around handfuls of the tallers shirt, pathetic stuttering whimpers pushing out from the back of his throat.

Please, stop shedding tears, Luhan. It actually hurts to hear. Be happy, forget whatever is troubling you. You're here with me, after all.

"Hey, Luhan..." Sehun croaked, his throat dry. He was so darn thirsty, but hadn't even thought of leaving his friend to go get a glass of water. It wasn't vital right now. "You're going to make yourself sick if you keep crying like this. Just... try and please calm down. I hate you being upset." Sehun sounded genuinely distressed by the whole scene unfolding. If he were currently thinking straight, he'd be so surprised at at himself. Showing any ounce of passion and sympathy on this kind of level, it didn't normally happen.

"I- I can't stop," Luhan inhaled sharply. "I'm trying... but it won't go away."

Surely something can settle you, right?

Sehun sighed yet again, maybe that would put the dozen mark on how many times he'd exhaled so heavily in the last 33 minutes. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to fathom what could possibly bring Luhan out of his never ending sobs. It struck him little than a moment later, making him stand on his feet and consequently bringing Luhan to a stand also.

"We're going to try something here, if it doesn't work, then... you have permission to kick my butt."


There was a large possibility this wouldn't work in the slightest, but what else was he supposed to do? Just sit there while his friend cried? Not a chance.

Sehun's thumb swiped quickly while his eyes scanned for the shuffle icon on his phone. He hooked it up to his Bluetooth speaker, a smooth beat was soon heard booming subtly through the space of his bedroom. Not exactly an appropriate time to be listening to Jonghyun's 'Orbit', but he'd stick to his guns nonetheless and see this little experiment through.

"We're going to dance it out, come on."

Sehun reached forward and grabbed Luhan's hands into his own, pulling him closer before swaying along with the pleasing beat. "Don't make me do this on my own, Luhan," the taller smirked, encouraging the deer boy to follow his example.

Some kind of red tint spread out across Luhan's cheeks, his eyes lowering because he didn't have a clue how to react. Not once during the time they'd been friends had he seen Sehun act this way before. Something about the image of him dancing made him want to smile, so he did, sniffling back any tears that threatened to push out.

"You're being really embarrassing, Sehun," he muttered, holding loosely onto his hands. Still, he wasn't dancing with him and that needed to change.

"Don't be a spoil sport and just dance. You'll feel better, I promise!" Sehun spoke in pleading tone and pulled Luhan further against him until they bumped against each other. It seemed to work, because much to his delight, the older began swaying with him, reluctantly, but it still meant something.

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