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"Hun?" Luhan called softly as he and Sehun wandered through the open gates of the college grounds, ready to say goodbye to a very hectic, upsetting day of malicious acts and toxic voices. 

"Yeah? What's up?" The taller looked at the deer who's footsteps matched his own, their eyes didn't meet right away but when they did, Luhan smiled and shuffled slightly closer to his friend. He was doing that cute thing again, the thing he always did whenever he wanted something. Sehun saw the way his eyes, widened a little more, the way his smile remained but became gentler, he felt the way his fingers gripped his sleeve.

It took Luhan a moment to actually ask his question, but when he did, he couldn't help following with a soft giggle. 

"Can we go to the ice-cream parlour?"

Of course, that's where he wanted to go. This boy had the world's biggest addiction to all things sweet and sugary. Come to think of it, maybe he was drawn to those things because he himself was a sweetheart.

Wait. Sehun, what on earth are you thinking right now?

Honestly, though, he swore sometimes that he was the older one of the two, despite being a whole year and a half younger.

"Sure, we can go... since it's not far." The younger said almost begrudgingly, but he was only joking. After all, when baby fawn Luhan made an appearance, he couldn't help but tease the heck out of him for acting so childish and silly. "What flavour are you thinking today?" 

Luhan's slight grip on the younger's sleeve didn't weaken, between the pad of his finger and thumb, he fiddled with the soft material and housed a gradient smile on his lips. He thought long and hard about the question before finally giving his answer.

"I was thinking a vanilla scoop with bubblegum sauce and strawberry sprinkles." Such a child. "What about you?" He asked, looking up at Sehun and the giddiness was just dripping from him.

"That sounds pretty good, I think I'll go for that too." He replied and somehow mirrored Luhan's happiness with his own subtle grin. 

Butterflies broke free from their cage and began to wreak havoc inside Luhan's tummy. He bit the inside of his cheek and pushed his lips out in a pouty face. You know, just for the sake of pulling a funny face. His free hand came up to brush over the bruise on his cheek, it was a little tender, but not too bad. He simply hoped Sehun didn't mind the way he looked with an ugly blemish like that on his face. His silly face soon turned into a real pout at the thought, but his thoughts were so swiftly brushed away by something soft pressing against the same tender spot he'd just touched.

Did Sehun just kiss him again?

Sehun's eyes sparkled joyfully at how happy he'd made Luhan with that simple little peck on his cheek.

"What was that for?" The deer asked, slightly bewildered, yet smiley. 

Then came a shrug, a wink and an arm curling around Luhan's shoulders. "I just don't want you worrying about how you look." He explained, tugging him closer to the side of his body as they approached the bus shelter. "You look good. Always."

Cue the very moment Luhan's soul floated away from his body. 

He kept quiet, trying to process exactly what was going on. Sehun was being so... different, so kind No, not that he wasn't kind from the start, he was just... less uptight.

"Do you know why you always look good?" Sehun went on, his question causing the smaller to shrug and shake his head. After hearing those next words, his heart stopped a little bit.

"Because you're always smiling."

Nothing more was said, Sehun simply sat down on the little bench inside the bus shelter and tugged Luhan down beside him. It was odd because he was beginning to feel extremely comfortable showing all this affection to him. He didn't know whether to feel worried or at ease.

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