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The last thing Sehun expected was for their plans to completely go to waste. It made him anxious and there was no doubt about it. His stomach burned as he sat in his living room at 9:21 pm on the when he was supposed to be with Luhan, lying in bed, eating junk food with TV shows of poor taste on in the background - just as they had planned in the library earlier on. 


He had arrived at the deer boys house about three hours before, knocked three times on the door as always, but when he was met with Luhan's mother, she seemed confused.

"Luhan never told me you'd be coming this evening... he's sleeping, dear. I'm sorry." The small woman hushed, keeping the door half closed behind her so Luhan wouldn't be woken. Her gaze felt like a sincerely sorry one and when Sehun half smiled and kissed her cheek, it felt like she was crumbling even more. Something about the whole situation just made Sehun feel very uneasy.

Why didn't you tell her, Lu? 

Why did you ignore the fact we'd planned an evening together? 


Is this where our friendship ends?

That's where the exchange between himself and the elder woman ended, he bowed and bid her goodnight before turning on his heel and walking away.

He should've maybe told her to tell Luhan he'd dropped by, but then again, maybe it's for the best that he didn't. He needed space, it was obvious. 

Sehun's walk back home filled with worry and to his surprise, hurt, seemed to take a lot longer than usual but when he finally arrived home, his mother was already in bed. He took his shoes off by the door and hung his jacket up on the coat hook. The house felt extremely empty and if it weren't for the faint mumbles of his mom's television, Sehun would've totally been convinced he was living alone.

His stomach churned. He hadn't eaten since lunch because he'd been expecting to eat at Luhan's, yet something told him the rumbling was no longer hunger, perhaps now it was a hollowness made by something entirely different. 

That something possibly being the uncertainty.

Maybe the idea of losing Luhan wasn't the worst thing that Sehun could comprehend, instead, it was the reality of him actually drifting away now. 

But what is there to be done?

He can't just mess with the course of fate, not when he believed in fate so strongly. 

Sehun always was the one to say things would pan out exactly how they're supposed to, so, maybe the same goes for their friendship.


"He's too sweet for me and all he ever wants is to protect me." Kris snorted, towering over Luhan while flipping through the pages of the diary. Another laugh escaped his evil lips as his eyes glazed over the next line.

"I must have done something amazing in my past life to deserve Oh Sehun."

Luhan's eyes remained stuck to the floor, Kris' hot breath fanning out against the locks of hair that settled above his eyes. Shame was a word worthy of how he currently felt, and sickness too. Oh god, nausea was burning up his throat and it felt far too real, as if it would spill out from his lips at any given second. Hopefully it would and hopefully, it would ruin the dragon's precious Saint Laurent bomber jacket.

"The hell is this? You have a crush on Oh Sehun now?" Kris spat these words, tossing the tattered diary to the dirty floor of the boy's bathroom. "You have a crush on your friend and you're keeping it from him? How sick." His words pierced at every inch of Luhan's soul. Sick? Was he really that sick and twisted? 

Luhan somehow managed to stand his ground, his head slowly rising for his eyes to meet with Kris' and he glared. He glared so bitterly at the taller that anyone would've been able to feel the hate radiating off of him.

"You know what, Yifan?" He uttered, taking a step forward to really get in his face. Maybe he would've been more menacing if he'd not had to tiptoe just to get in his face. "If you're going to grind me into a pulp, just get it over with... I don't care." He said. "My life has already been complete hell since the day you outed me to the entire school, so why would a beating really bother me?" Luhan would be truly impressed if the dragon could come up with a reasonable response to his words. "Classmates spit at me, throw their paper balls at me, call me names and even threaten me with stuff I won't mention because guess what? I wouldn't even wish those things upon my worst enemy." 

All the while he spoke, Kris stuck with the intense eye contact they'd been exchanging, not even the slightest sign of sympathy could be detected in his gaze. He couldn't feel empathy, because he had no idea just how much this whole situation was affecting him both mentally and somehow physically too. He had no idea how it felt to get out of bed every morning with a cloud of dread hanging over you, the fear of walking into a place you're supposed to feel safe, the fear of being taunted just because you're a certain way. 

A silence shrouded them both as the stare down continued, Luhan's heart was racketing within the confines of his chest, breathing heavy as if he'd been running a long and tiring marathon. Who would speak first? How would the fates unravel for Luhan? Would he win this battle, or simply make set up for an even greater one to occur?

"I find it funny how you try to act all manly and big," Kris began to mumble, stepping back from Luhan and in the latter's opinion, stepping down from the conflict. "When in reality, we both know you'd be quaking in your little loafers right now." With his left hand, he pressed his palm against Luhan's left shoulder and shoved him full force into the wall, causing him to let out a small grunt. "I'm not just going to beat you here and now, because that would be too easy on you." He smirked. "I need to at least wait until you'd least expect it." 

Luhan would've been lying if he'd claimed those words didn't send a chill down his spine. The icy cold tone Kris whispered them in was enough to set anyone on edge and he, of course, was no exception.

Not another word was said, The taller of the two merely sniggered at Luhan's shaken state and turned on his heel to leave the bathroom. He just couldn't depart without trampling on Luhan's soul just a little more, though, of course, he couldn't.

"If I were you, I would hire a bodyguard or something... you'll need someone to watch your back for you, since I'm pretty sure dearest Sehun won't be there anymore."

Wait, what was that supposed to mean?

"What are you going to do to him?" Luhan asked, breath hollow, eyes wide as he stepped a tiny bit closer to the monster. 

"I'm not going to do anything to him," He replied dryly. "Although, I'm pretty sure he'll love to know how you feel about him."


It was this day, that Luhan's world finally fell apart for real... and he had not any power to stop it.


Hooray!! an update, after 84 years of absence!! 

Not much happens in this chapter, but there's a bit more plot development^^ I hope you all enjoy and I'll look forward to writing the next update~!

- Maria xoxox

Pretty Things | HunhanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora