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They could either save your life or break it. 

In Sehun's opinion, being honest was a vital thing in life. Telling the truth and receiving the same in return is what helps build a secure bond between two people, so why would anyone opt to do the complete opposite? Being a liar, being secretive, all of that was purely toxic, in his opinion and he could never, ever bring himself to be friends with a liar. 

So... what did that mean for him and Luhan now? It had been two days since Sehun was supposed to have dinner at his house, but instead of getting a nice warm meal and comfortable, yet slightly wacky chit-chat, he was turned away at the door. Luhan never told his mother of their plans and it still made him feel really sick to think about. What had gone wrong? Where down the line had Sehun messed up so badly that Luhan didn't even want to see him anymore? 

One might say he was overreacting, making a big deal of nothing.

But since that day, throughout the many times that they had crossed paths at college, the deer hadn't uttered a single word to him. He'd simply look his way, avert his eyes and walk on by as if they never meant anything to each other. 

Why? Why did it take such a long time to build a stable friendship with someone, yet take mere minutes, or even just seconds for it to buckle and collapse?

It didn't make any sense to him.

What made even less sense... were the words he could hear blasting from the courtyard.


"I've invited Sehun over for dinner again tonight. I keep telling him it's my mother who wants him over, but it's actually me. I don't quite understand why yet, but I feel really good around him. He doesn't judge me for who I am, what I like and how I look. He puts up with my crying, my staring and my sometimes uncontrollable laughing. Maybe I'm getting feelings for him? I don't know, but if that's the case... then I don't mind at all." 

The sound of Kris' voice seemed to be intensified times one hundred. At first, Sehun couldn't understand why, because he couldn't see a damn thing from inside the cafeteria. So, he waded through the crowd of hungry pupils to the back doors that led into the large courtyard and after he pushed through the door, everything began to make much more sense. 

It wasn't just the cool afternoon breeze that hit him, it was the scene playing out before him too.

Stood on the upper level of the courtyard, Kris was wielding a megaphone in one hand and a black, leather journal in the other. Stood beside him was scared and upset Luhan with wide eyes, a bruised cheek and a split lip. 

With every second Sehun spent staring, the more sense this was all making. This whole time, Luhan was being pursued, he was being beaten down and judged for who he was... this whole time, he'd been putting on a brave face for him. The deer had painted a smile across his lips for God knows how long, pretending to be happy, while Sehun wandered around oblivious to it. He felt like an idiot for not realising sooner. But, that quickly became the smallest problem in his head. 

As more words from his journal were spilling from Kris' mouth, Sehun's heart wrenched and squeezed so much harder. So hard, that it was almost physically hurting him.

"I can't get Sehun out of my head, I feel like one of those girls in a corny romance movie that constantly whines about their crush to blank pages in a book. It's beginning to get unbearable, sigh-

Kris paused to snort, shaking his head while Luhan's eyes stared blankly at the ever fast growing crowd below him. When he finally clapped sight on Sehun, his whole entire world collapsed, his body went numb... and he just wanted to disappear.

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