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One of the most common physical connections between two people is made through holding hands.

Sehun and Luhan were no exception.

From the evening of their confessions to the next morning, the day after that then so on and so forth, they would hold hands whenever they had the chance.

On their walk to uni, they would interlock fingers. Sehun's thumb would brush affectionately against Luhan's knuckles and he smiled. Every time, he smiled with such a sparkle in his eyes. Nobody could dare deny that the pair were stuck together like glue, the strongest glue anyone could find.

Their free periods in the common room would be spent studying side-by-side, sharing earbuds and occasionally, Sehun would catch tiny ringings of Luhan's soft voice singing along to certain songs. He sounded so pretty and it was so easy for him to get lost in the calming notes.

At least until Luhan would notice he was being watched. Then he would simply press his lips shut and shove Sehun playfully in the shoulder to hide his mild embarrassment.

Lunchtimes were always spent with Kyungsoo as the third-wheel. Luhan sat in his usual spot beside Sehun, Kyungsoo opposite him and Sehun in the corner by the window. 

Mostly, their routines were the same as always. Except for one thing.

Luhan's fingers were always tangled with Sehun's, in one way or another.

For days and days, things went on like this and even seemed that they would not be changing anytime soon.


"Hun?" Luhan whispered, twisting his fingers around earbuds cord like a silly school girl would twirl her hair. The library was emptying more by the second and when he checked the wall clock sitting grand above the registry desk, Luhan came to understand why. 

The time was exactly 5:30 pm. 

"Hun? Can we go back to my place and relax? It's getting late."

Sehun was so focused on the psychology book laid out in front of him that Luhan resorted in nudging his elbow lightly. This finally drew the younger out of his daze and he looked into gentle doe-eyes. 

"Sorry, what did you say?" Apologetically, Sehun took the one earbud out and stopped the music. 

Luhan sighed, smiling slightly at his boyfriend. "Let's go back to mine," he didn't just suggest. No, he practically told as he handed Sehun the other earbud as the latter wound the wire up in a neat coil. 

"Alright- where did Kyungsoo go?"

Sehun really had been out of it for a long time.

"Kyungsoo left about an hour ago, followed some guy with brown hair," Luhan informed him and stuffed his unused revision cards and pen into his rucksack. He stood on his feet, slinging the bag over his left shoulder. "Let's go."

It didn't take all that long for Sehun to follow his boyfriend's example, satchel swinging down by his hip as he hung the strap over his shoulder. He took Luhan's hand after standing up and with a polite bow to the librarian, left the quiet getaway and then, left the uni grounds.

"You seem eager to get me on my own today," Sehun said while kicking little stones on the pavement. He had noticed, of course, he had. What baffled him the most, however, was the way Luhan had been so insistent that they go back to his house. Why did it matter that his mother wasn't at home? Did the strange, doe-eyed boy have something planned for them? Goodness knows. But, either way, Sehun wasn't too suspicious about it. After all, what could Luhan possibly have in mind that wouldn't be appealing to him also? Surely nothing, right? 

"Well," Luhan started, keeping Sehun's fingers securely locked between his own, feet stepping in almost perfect sync with his too. "I just thought it might be nice, you know?" Looking up at Sehun, he grinned. "You and I haven't been able to spend time alone together in... well, longer than I can remember. Something, or, someone is always interrupting..." He trailed off. "My mum, Kris... even Kyungsoo can sometimes butt in when he isn't needed." What? What was Luhan saying? Sehun kept keen interesting his boyfriend's words, brows knitted so closely to one another, the curiosity on his face so prominent that it almost made his muscles ache. "I want to be with you. Not mum, not our friends. Just you." 

And with that, Luhan made his point very clear. Sehun was quite astonished. Never before had Luhan voiced his opinion so bluntly, not ever. His upfront attitude rattled something within Sehun, and he wasn't quite sure why. 

"Lu, you know... Kyungsoo doesn't exactly butt in." He defended, making Luhan cock his brow thoughtfully. "He's the quietest out of all three of us, so.... what are you trying to get at?" He didn't want to dismiss Luhan's feelings, naturally. But something felt extremely off here. They'd only been dating a short while, and this mysterious boy already sounded... somewhat possessive." Had the things that happened with Kris made him feel this way? Somehow guided him to believe that he needed to be by Sehun's side 24/7? 

Either way, something about this little exchange sat heavy in Sehun's stomach. The fact that Luhan didn't reply to his words only strengthened this uneasiness. 

No less than fifteen minutes later, they'd arrived at Luhan's front door. The doe fumbled inside his back pocket for his dorr key, keeping the other clasped around Sehuns at the same time. Neither one of them had said much after Luhan's uncharacteristic expression before, merely idle chit-chat here and there. With the key slipping into the lock, twisting, making the mechanism clack, the pair were inside just seconds after. Luhan closed the door behind them, Sehun' kicking off his shoes and hanging his bag up meanwhile. 

"Would you like a drink, Hun?" Luhan asked, hanging his satchel with the other. Even their belongings had to be together. Sehun shook his head, mumbling a quiet, 'no' in response. "Right, then let's head upstairs." 

Then nothing more was said. Again. All it was, was Sehun watching his small boyfriend take the lead on up the creaking staircase. Why did he feel sick? What had changed in only a matter of days. Perhaps the two of them were getting themselves into something too serious, too fast.

But the thing is, Sehun didn't want to confront it. He didn't want to confront it, because it'd already taken them so much suffering just to come together. Why would he ruin that over some stupid gut feeling?

Upstairs, on the top hall, the sound of Luhan's humming resonated from his bedroom. The melodic tones sounded somewhat bittersweet, leaving a harsh and quite acidic taste in Sehun's mouth as he slowly approached the doorway. Why was he feeling like this now? They'd been so happy, tucked away in their blissful world together, sharing the heaven that was the beginning of their relationship. Sehun had been so happy, so blind... until now. All the days since they made their title an official one, Luhan had been so terribly possessive. Everywhere Sehun had gone, he'd been right beside him.

Their study times that were once separate, were now a shared routine. Luhan's palm had barely had to bid goodbye to Sehun's. Their fingers were always tangled. Everywhere Sehun looked, he'd be staring at that same smile. The smile that made his heart stammer at first.

No matter what they were doing now; they were always doing it together.

And little did Sehun know, the moment he'd step into the bedroom... he'd be stepping into a world that never once registered in his mind.

"Come on, Hun. What's taking you so long?" 

Would something that has only just started, end so quickly?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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