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'A stone with the properties of expelling negative energy. Helping those in times of need, in times of worry and stress. Hematite is a very protective stone and lures in vibrations of positivity, in order to keep those who carry it grounded in several situations.'

Sehun re-read the description card a few times over before guiding his eyes towards the little ring made of this rather mysterious sounding stone. He'd been repeating this same motion for the last two minutes. Kyungsoo was right beside him, getting a headache due to all the incense sticks surrounding them. He didn't particularly wish to keep inhaling the apparent essence of 'Midnight Ocean' and whatever the heck else he was suffocating on.

"Do you think I should buy this for him?" Sehun finally spoke up, sparing his shorter friend a glance. "I mean, Luhan has always liked this spiritual kind of stuff." He added, thumbing the ring around the palm of his hand. It was surprisingly light, considering what it was carved out of but the slim, dark grey band would look really good on Luhan's finger.

Kyungsoo sighed, checking his wrist watch for the fourth time now. They'd been in the hipster looking shop for around fifteen minutes already. He couldn't even fathom why Sehun was considering spending his money on their currently absent friend in the first place. Oh Sehun never spent money on anyone.

"To be honest, Sehun... I couldn't care less if you buy it for him or not," Kyungsoo deadpanned, giving his taller counterpart that deep, heavily lidded glare. "I just need to get out of this store before I start throwing up fairy dust and pirates treasure."

Of course. It wouldn't be a day out with Kyungsoo without a sarcastic remark here and there.

Rolling his eyes, Sehun clamped his teeth down on the inside of his cheek, mulling over his options just one last time before coming to a solid decision.

"Right, I'll get him this Hematite ring and that bracelet made out of Red Jasper." He said, nodding firmly with his words while picking up the said bracelet from the nearby shelf.

Kyungsoo made a very half-hearted cheer. "Congratulations. You aren't incapable of making decisions," He said, hands gripping Sehun's arm to drag him towards the counter. "Now will you pay? I don't think my lungs can handle much more 'Fresh Linen' candles," Kyungsoo proceeded to take the two jewelry items out of his friends' hands to then pass them to the lady store clerk. "Why are you even buying these for him anyway?" Now it came to the real question.

"Because I want him to know that I care about him-"

"Because he's still a little down in the dumps about this whole Kris thing. It did only happen like... six days ago." Sehun mumbled. Had it really been that long already? Their whole ice-cream date had really been almost one whole week ago. He could still taste the vanilla and bubblegum on Luhan's lips when they kissed. It made him smile to himself and that smile was obviously caught by Kyungsoo, who actually chose to ignore the urge to ask the idiot why he was smiling like that. He chose to question him on something more serious instead.

"What's with you and the whole Kris thing?" Kyungsoo let his eyes follow Sehun's hand as he passed over the money to the clerk lady. "You don't seem all that bothered by the fact he practically read out your best friends entire journals worth of personal thoughts, gave him a bruised cheek and a split lip... and yet, here you are now, buying him jewelry because you think it'll make him feel better?" The raven sighed. "It just doesn't make sense-" He swallowed, getting a little saliva caught in his throat through trying to speak too much at once. "You're replacing emotional comfort with objects instead, why? You two are cool, right?" Kyungsoo asked, following his extremely shifty friend out of the hipster shop.

Sehun wandered a little further ahead from Kyungsoo. Honestly, he was taking a moment to really think about everything Kyungsoo just said to him. He wasn't really trying to replace emotions with gifts, at least, not intentionally. Why would he? Especially when he and Luhan were on such good terms. They'd kissed more than once, for crying out loud and everything at uni had been normal- wait. Everything at uni had been normal. 

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