Arlert vs. Arlert...

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--- Wall Sheena Courthouse, 9:00 am ---

*everyone takes a seat in the court*

Armin: I still can't believe that everyone came here.

What did you expect? To leave you both here without support?

Armin: Yeah... you're right.

Annie: ... *looks down nervously* 

Armin: hey... don't worry. We'll win this for sure.

Annie: OK...

Officer: As the judge and your Majesty enters please stand up.

*Historia and and the judge both enter the courthouse and the people stand up*

We're about to start. 

Annie: yay....

Historia: You may be seated.

*everyone sits down*

Judge: Alright. We're here today with the Leonhardt vs. Arlert case. May the suspect enter the court.

*Doors open as some MP officers enter with Legout. They bring Legout to the middle of the courthouse*

Officer: Kneel you filthy brat. *kicks Legout to his knees as they place a pole in between his hands*

Legout: Oh god... I said I was never going to be in this room  again but look where I am now... *looks at Armin then looks back down*

Armin: Oh brother. What did you get yourself into?

Judge: We'll start immediately. *fixes papers* Who's going to represent you Ms. Leonhardt?

That would be me your highness. 

Judge: And who are you?

Cadet Elise Jaeger from the Survey Corpse. 

Lawyer: Your highness please. This is a young cadet who doesn't know what they're doing. We can't accept-

Beg your pardon Mr. Chen but as many people know, I am a certified lawyer by the Queen herself. I may be young but I know what I'm doing due to the fact that I won one of the biggest cases as of a few months ago.  

Lawyer: And what would that case be?

The Jaeger vs people case.

Lawyer: ga- fine! Go on.

Judge: What do your clients sue Mr. Arlert for?

Attempted Rape and assault in the 3rd degree your highness.

Judge: and how do you plead Mr. Arlert?

Legout: Guilty as charged your highness.

Lawyer: Innocent your highness.

What? The lawyer pleads him guilty? Is this guy stupid?

Legout: Is this guy stupid!! I'M GUILTY!!!!!  

Judge: Alright. Let's get this over with. 

Let's hope my knowledge of court cases can help me now.

--- Home, 9:49 am ---

Laurence: *sighs* The rest are at court while I'm stuck with babysitting... Not that I don't mind but still... 

Ace: Laurence~kun. Why you sad?

Laurence: Not sad. Bored.

Cole: tch. 

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