Forced confession Dare/Short story

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*Annie and Eli stare at Armin with a semi surprised face*

Nah. I still don't believe that you did it with Armin.

Annie: What's hard to believe?


Annie: Well we did it alright. Now go confess!

Not until I hear it from Armin. *walks over to him*

Annie: Seriously?!


Eli walks to Armin with a hopeful grin on her face.

Hey Armin!

Armin: Oh hey Eli.

What did you do yesterday?

Armin: The usual. Paperwork, bills-

I meant last night.

Armin: Oh! Well...

Eli waits patiently for his answer.

Armin: Annie and I had "fun" last night.

... what...

Annie: HA! TOLD YOU!

So you and Annie did, you know, 👉👌?

Armin: yep.

Annie: told you! Now go confess!!!

Ugh! Maldita eres tu Annie.

Annie: just go.


Eli walks to the garage where her "friend"  Marcel's workshop is at. She walks and walks and walks, taking her time.

Why did I have to make that stupid dare?! Now I have to confess to Marc. Like yes I want him to know how I feel but not like this! What am I even gonna say! I'm freaking married! It won't matter anyway!

She finally reaches the garage where her lover is. He's cleaning the motor of his motorcycle.

You got a motorcycle?

Marcel: Oh hi Eli! And yes, I did get a motorcycle. Its bad ass right? 300 horsepower with accurate thrusters and boosters. I made it from scratch.

Wow! Now that's nice! We should take it for a ride sometimes.

Marcel: We? I don't trust you, after what happened to my car.

Ok. That was Jay's fault! He sabotaged the brakes!

Marcel: But who was driving?

*sighs* I was.

Marcel: Exactly.

God... He's so handsome with his hair all tied up in a- NOW'S NOT THE TIME!!!! But now is the time. Ugh!!!!

The brunette girl stares at the blond, blue eyed boy with amazement. Why? I don't know but she was.

Wow... He has grown. H- hey Marcel?

Marcel: Hm?

Now's the time. I need to tell you something.

Marcel: What is it?

I- I like you.

Marcel: Pardon?

I- Like like you. I felt this way ever since we joined the military together and my feelings have grown stronger since then. I- I love you Marcel.

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