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-- ??? --
?: *bounces ball on wall*

???: *laughs* hey kitty? Come Jere so that I can pet you. *laughs*

?: grr.

??: hey kitty? Lend m your ears, so that i can hear your humiliation! *laughs*

?: tch. If I knew being in prison out here in wall Maria was this bad then I would've never done what I done.

???: Too bad kitty!

?: Don't cal me kitty! I will- *breathes in then out* Calm down... Fighting isn't the answer.

??: It sure ain't kitty!

Both: Maybe you can claw yourself out of this! *laughs*

?: grr.

Guard: Enough! You two shut up. Let's go Kitty. *opens jail cell*

?: huh?

Guard: Let's go. Grab your stuff and move

?: *grabs his stuff* And where are we going.

Guard: None of your business kitty. Move. *pushes them*

?: Alright Alright. I'm going. *starts walking*

??: Bye Kitty!

???: hope you have a nice clawful time.

*they both laugh*

?: wherever I'm going, at least I don't have to listen to these drunk bastards.

*they walk through a long hallway and enter a small changing room*

Guard: your clothes are at the right.

?: wait. *picks up clothes* These are civilian clothes.

Guard: No duh.

?: you're letting me go?

Guard: Someone paid your bail.

?: I have a bail option?

Guard: apparently. Besides, you were also let out by parole.

?: I have a parole option?

Guard: Stop asking questions kitty and get changed!

?: Yes officer. I'm being let lose? Why? Why did I have a bail and parole option? Well... Its too late now. I better get ready. *starts changing*

--- Home ---
Armin: No! *tries to run away*

*grabs him and forces him to sit down* I said take it! Take the damn medicine Armin!

Armin: No! I'm not drinking that mixture of onions, honey, and lemon. I'm not doing it!

Its good for your sore throat Armin! Believe me! I know what I'm doing!

Annie: just drink the damn thing Armin! *scoops a spoonful of the mixture*

Armin: NO!

You do know I'm much stronger than you right? *uses vampire strength to sit him down*

Armin: NO!

*Eli opens Armin's mouth as Annie feeds Armin the medicine. Armin drinks it and swallows it.*

Armin: Damn! That tastes horrible!!!!

Tell me about it.

Armin: Why Eli why?

Because it will help you get better.

Armin: I hate being sick.

Just one more mixture. Honey and lemon.

Armin: Now that I'll drink. *drinks mixture*

Annie: You feel better?

Armin: much better... I think.

You'll get better, if you drink the Onion mixture for a week.

Armin: NO!!!!!

Bienvenido a la vida de los Mexicanos Armin.

Armin: no. *places head on table*

Michael: Why daddy sad?

Annie: Because he hates onions

Michael: Huh

Annie: he's sick so aunty Eli is making him eat onions

Michael: Oh!

Armin: You're the worst Eli.

Thank you. Now, I'll be uploading another later and check out Armin's new Wattpad account! Its x_ArminArlert_x!

Armin: check it out.

I hope you guys have a nice day and


-- outside Wall Maria Prison --
Guard: Hey anon! Your client.

??: Hm? Oh.

?: You're the one who paid me free?

??: Yes.

?: who are you?

??: you don't need to know that now. Come on. *opens car door* I'll take you home.

?: I already know the way.

??: Sorry but your dear brother and his gang relocated. Luckily I know where it is due to a good friend of mine. *eyes glow red*

?: *gulps* red eyes? There's only one species that has red eyes... Oh god I'm in so much trouble. Alright. Take me there.

??: At your service... Legout

Legout: how did you know-

??: I have... Connections. *smirks*

Legout: ... Uh oh

Truth or Dare 2!! An Aot book (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now