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Hey guys! I'm back!

Everyone: And us too!

Yep! We took a little break because I had a bad case of writers block but now I don't... I think.

Lizzy: You think?


Jason: WATCH OUT!!


*Marcel crashes into Eli and Lizzy as he catches the football*

*groans* Football, really??

Marcel: sorry. Ready Michael?

Michael: Ready!

Marcel: Catch!!!

*Marcel throws the football across the room, over Michael. Michael runs after it, runs up the wall and catches it as he jumps off and lands on the couch*

Michael: Caught it!

Nice one Michael!

Michael: Thank you. *throws it back at Marcel*

Lizzy: They grow up so fast.

Armin: They sure do.

Lizzy: Ah! Armin! You scared me!

Armin: Sorry.

Marcel: You're turn Ace! You ready?!

Ace: Yup!

Marcel: Alright! Here it comes!

*Marcel throws the ball up high*

Ace: Michael!

Michael: On it!

*Ace runs to Michael as he throws Ace upwards. Ace catches the ball and then lands on Michael's shoulder*

Both: Ta da!

Armin: Nice!

Historia: they've been working on that move for days.

Everyone: Really?

Historia: *nods* Right Connor?

*Historia rocks Connor as he just stares*

Armin: How's my little angel doing? *carries Connor*

*Connor smiles and giggles*


Lizzy: Its cute when he laughs.

Armin: I know right? Its fun being his father.

Lizzy: although you're not really his father?

Armin: Yeah.

Alright! We'll end it right here! Send in more dares! We'll be waiting!

Everyone: We will?



Truth or Dare 2!! An Aot book (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now