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*after reading 3 page research paper* Mercy College is the best college in my opinion... So. How was it?

Armin: *snores*

*Hits his head with paper* Dude! Really!

Armin: h- huh? Oh! Sorry

Yeah. You better be. Go help Hange in h basement.

Armin: Alright. *Stands up and leaves*

Sheesh. He thinks he can sleep while I'm reading... *Looks at paper* does this mean it's boring??? Ugh! Whatever. *Stuffs paper in backpack*

--- Basement ---

*Armin enters the basement*

Hange: Ah! Hi Armin! Here to help?

Armin: yeah.

Hange: Good. I need someone to keep an eye on the monitor over there at the arc.

Armin: what's with all of this machinery anyways?

Hange: I'm trying to prove the Multi verse!

Armin: isn't that the theory in which many universes exist but vibrate in different frequencies?

Hange: yep.

Armin: Ah. I see.

Hange: Can you flip the blue lever please? I don't want this machine to turn on while I'm doing this set up.

Armin: Sure. *flips blue lever*

Hange: Can you tell me the status that's on the monitor?

Armin: um... It says "No Connection".

Hange: Damn it!

*A blue orb appears from the machine. Armin notices this orb*

Armin: um... Hange? Are you sure that thing is off?

Hange: Yeah. Why?

*orb grows bigger*

Armin: No good reason. Just the fact that there's a blue orb glowing says otherwise.

Hange: Impossible.

*orb grows bigger*

Armin: Really. I say otherwise-

*the orb gets bigger and opens a vortex sucking Armin in. The vortex closes afterwards and disappears*

Hange: Why do you say that Armin? Armin? *looks around* Armin?

--- Shingashima... 20 into the future ---
*A vortex opens and throes Armin onto the floor*

Armin: Ugh... I hate vortexes. They're so-

*the land was dark with clouds as dark as ash in the atmosphere. There was rubble everywhere*

Armin: What the hell happened here? Its like a post apocalyptic setting here... Where am I? Am I still-

*a creature rises up from the shadows and heads for Armin*

Armin: Yes! Good! A person!

*creature approaches him with eyes glowing red*

Armin: Red eyes... OH NO!

*the shadow attacks Armin and starts choking him*

Armin: *struggling* shadow souls! Here? How? I- I can't hold on much longer-

???: LEAVE HIM ALONE! *shoots the shadow soul*

*the shadow disappears as Armin sits up to catch his breath*

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