kitty chase

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Damn you! Why are you so heavy!

Annie cat: Meow. (I'm fucking pregnant Eli)

Right. Forgot.

*Eli runs Into her room, places Annie in a basket filled with clothes, and hides her in the closet*

Noe don't make any sound.

Annie cat: *hisses* (just go)

Alright Alright. I'll leave. You don't have to be grumpy

*Eli leaves and locks the door of her room and leaves*

I just hope this works 

Many hours later

Armin: Annie? Annie! Where the hell are you!!!! Annie!!! Damn it! You had to go missing when I'm not a fucking cat!

Eren: Yo you ok Armin!

Armin: Do I look ok! I can't find my freaking fiancé!

Eren: Chill. Ask Eli. Maybe she's seen her. They're like best buds.

Armin: yeah...  Thanks Eren.

Eren: You're welcome!

Armin: What have I done? Because of my fucking mistakes Annie goes missing. *bangs head against the wall* I Am So Fucking Stupid!

You ok there Armin?

Armin: nope. I can't find Annie.

Need help?

Armin: do you know where she is

Nope. Not a single clue

Armin: Damn it.

You know *sips frappé* you could've found her instantly with that enhanced smell feature you had.

Armin: yeah... But- I don't know

You want Annie to be happy?

Armin: More than anything!

Then maybe you should turn back to the man she originally fell in love with, not this sorry excuse of a fiancé.

Legout: Ooh burn!


Legout: Sorry. I'll go on my usual business now. *walks away carrying his laundry*

Armin: Hm... Eli. Can you change me back?

Thought you never ask.

*Eli snaps her fingers as Armin turns back to his neko self.*

Welcome back.

Armin: Its good to be back.

Now go kitty! I've given you the power to shift to a cat, noe use it and find your fiancé!

Armin: Oh right! Thanks Eli! *runs away*

You're welcome Kitty!


*A blond male cat lurks around the house, sniffing everywhere, with a blue collar around his neck and a plaque reading "echobreeze"*

Echobreeze: I miss being a cat. *happily sighs* Its good to be back.-

Ymir: Who the hell are you! *growls*

Echobreeze: Uh oh. I forgot about you. Damn it!

Ymir: I said! Who are you!

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