Chapter 11

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Caisson groans to herself. Why can't this be a normal dinner? Why did I agree to this? This is all the rodeo talk I can take! They have been at it for a total of three hours, since Colton and Tiffany conveniently showed up at the dress shop. They spent almost an hour there before she convinced them to move it to the restraint.

She gently taps Gunner's shoulder. "I need to be excused."

He looks at her briefly before nodding in answer. She shakes her head and gets up from the table. Tiffany already took grace to put her down for bed so all normal conversation is lost. Caisson walks out to the parking lot and settles into the bed of Gunner's pickup.

Gunner starts to ask Caisson what she thought about the way her brother said about how bad snow storms are or traveling when he realizes she is no longer sitting beside him. "Darn it! Look Colton I got to go." He hurries to put on his jacket as he walks out the door. He checks the cab of his pickup, nothing. Colton's pickup? Nothing. Finally he gives up and calls her phone.


"Caisson! Where are you?"

She pops up out of the bed of his pickup. "Right here."

He quickly puts his phone away and jumps onto the tail gate beside her. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have ignored you like that."

"It's not just that you ignored me. You didn't talk to me at all! You didn't even notice that I am in the dress you bought for me or that I sat through hours of rodeo talk or that I dressed up for you."

He hangs his head. "I know, I'm sorry. It's just rodeo is my thing I understand it."

She nods. "Yeah, I know and I am trying to be okay with that. You being in the rodeo is what makes you you, I respect that. I just want to be a part of your life."

He smiles a little and wraps his arms around her. "You will always be a part of my life no matter what. I know that you don't really like the rodeo and I shouldn't talk about it so much when you are around. And you look absolutely stunning in that wonderful dress."

She blushes and smiles. "Well thank you, Gun. So do you want to go talk about the rodeo?"

He shakes his head. "Nah, nah, nah not anymore. Rodeo is out the door and you is all there is to talk about."

Her eyes grow big and a even deeper blush graces her face. "Umm how about, no?"

Raising an eyebrow he laughs. "Okay. What do you want to talk about? Or do you want to talk at all? What do you want to do?"

She giggles nervously and jumps off the tale gate. "Come on I think I here a movie calling our names."

Caisson slips behind the chutes and scans the floods of people for Gunner. I have to tell him good luck! She turns to walk back to the stands in defeat when she hears her name called. Quickly turning around she spot the familiar black taco shaped cowboy hat coming through the crowd. She smiles brightly. "Hey, Gun!"

He smiles and wraps his arms around her. "Cais, stop looking at me like I'm a ghost. I will be okay."

She feels tear start to form in her eyes and smiles. "I know, I just get worried."

Nodding he smiles a little. "I know you do, that is why I got you a little something." He holds out a little bow with a horrible wrapping job.

She rips it apart and smiles. "Aw, Gun! Congrats on making an A in gift wrapping."

He laughs and shrugs. "Well my mother always did that."

Smiling she opens and gasps. "Gunner! It's beautiful." She looks over the silver charm bracelet with his initials as part of the chain.

He smiles. "I am so glad you like it. Look in the little bag?"

She raises her eyebrows and pulls out a little blue velvet bag. Slowly she pulls the draw string bag apart. "Aw Gunner, that's so sweet!" Inside were her initials to add to the bracelet. She wraps her arms around his neck and smiles. "Thank you, Gun."

"You are very welcome, Cais. I have to go get ready, but I will talk to you as soon as I am done, okay?"

She nods and kisses his cheek. "Okay." He hugs her, kisses her cheek and starts to make his way back to the locker room when she clears her throat. "I was not ready for you to walk away, Mr. Pate."

He laughs and comes back to stand in front of her. "Yes, Miss Beck?"

Her fingers find the zipper on his protective vest while her eyes stay locked on his. "It doesn't do much good if it isn't on right."

Wearing a smile he walks back behind the chutes to wait for his turn. Several of the other guys gave him a hard time about the wide smile that can't be erased from his lips. When he stands beside his good friend Wade he looks at the grin on his friends face. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy that you got over Rachel and are happy again."

Gunner wants to argue that he was happy after the break up with Rachel, but he just couldn't. Wade is right he was mopy and sad after the break up. He nods in agreement. "Me too."

Soon it is his turn to step onto the wide muscular back of "I'll Catch You". He is a dirt red bull with no horns, but a heart of stone for anyone that wasn't quick enough to catch the fence. Taking a deep breath he prays as he always does. Thank you Lord for the chance to use the talent You generously given me to benefit you. I lift up all the cowboys and cowgirls here tonight. Keep them safe and soften their hearts towards you.

"Amen," he whispers before tucking his chin signaling the gate to be opened. The next eight seconds drag on for him. First the bull jumps all four feet off the ground a good two feet or more. Then he kicks his feet to the sky before swinging around to the right. Just as "I'll Catch You" jumps again taking all four feet off the ground the buzzer rings.

"And that was a 90 point ride for Mister Gunner Pate! That puts him in the lead with only one rider to go." The announcer yells through the loud speaker. Caisson was already taking the stairs two at a time to get down at their 'post ride congrats spot' as they like to call it.

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