Royal Announcement (PFCS)

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Since we are almost done with the first trial, meaning we are close to halfway with the trials, I will start posting these. I'll work my way up to UCDH to give them time. This is in preparation for the major event I have planned (the ball you will read about below)

Hello PFCS, the royal gardener has come. She is politely asking that anyone 18 years old and older that is unmarried please line up shoulder to shoulder.

The Announcement:

"The king has decreed that all deemed fit from guilds and upper class shall attend a royal suitor ball. If you receive an invitation please arrive between 7-8pm at the castle this Friday in your best attire. Come to impress the princes and princesses."
(The main point is searching for a suitor for Prince Casimir, but they are looking for everyone except Princess Goldy)
*I will have a servant character look each person over. Warning: I'm going to make them extremely rude and judgy so don't hate me!*

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