7 Year Jump

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Okay guys, things have been pretty light lately, and getting into events seems to have gotten harder. I think it's time we do a time leap to get things back on track. Hopefully skipping over some boring stuff and aging a bunch of the kids will lead us somewhere new.
I'm going to open up a new book for this leap and I have several reasons why;
1. I hope that a new book will draw in more people. I've gotten a few messages that people have been intimidated by the mass amount of comments.
2. To give you as much time as you need to RP here. I'm going to put (CLOSED) in the title, but you're welcome to RP here for as long as you need. You could stay here indefinitely if you please. I just ask that once you RP a character in the next book, you don't go back and RP them here. Once you move, you move. I don't want anyone getting confused on time line or anything.
3. Just general clean up. There are just so many pages on this book, it's hard to scroll through when I'm making something new. The main forms will be in the new book, but if you want to make townsfolk or take a lord or lady, you're welcome to go to the Forms and Character book and do that, but for our new people that can be a lot to take in. (This is also why I created the history book: The Continent Of Uzall, because I feel more comfortable sending people there for backstory and such since it's less crowded)

The whole business with the stone... My plan was to have that one TAPE group find the Lucifer Book and destroy the stones. It's just been taking a long time. So, just gonna skip over that junk and say that's what happened. That puts two books in the hands of Kitro and will definitely be a plot device later. 

So, I really hope this helps shake things up, smooths things over and all the works.

Now, how are we going to do this?
As I said, you're welcome to RP here as long as you need. You may RP in both books as long as you're not using any character in both. Once a character moves on, it stays on please. Otherwise, we'll get through the 7 years will simple discussion.
(You're also welcome just to slid your character over as if everything happened after the seven years anyway. I'll be doing that with characters that haven't really been used)

Please take this opportunity to get rid of characters you never use or don't care about.

The first major change is I'm disbanding the PFCS. Over the years they decided not to renew their guild status. Now they are a simple Lounge Diner and Garden. Members are welcome to stay and work there, or move on to better things. There will be a page for the lounge and garden in the new book, but it won't be up right away.
I'm keeping Dwyn and Arch and moving them to the UCDH and TAPE.
And of course I'm keeping my little angel Ayumu, Xx_FireBird_xX , I was wondering if they should stay and work as gardeners or move to a different guild though, thoughts?
And lastly, the angels will be moving guilds. I'll leave it up to Michael Xx_FireBird_xX to decide which. The rest of my PFCS characters will simply be gone. I had a lot of ones I never really got around to, or hardly touched.

Going up I'll discuss where my TECH members are ending up.
Porter is now 51. May I assume he's married Citlali by now? Xx_FireBird_xX
Vitus is 30. Wow, he's old now. They probably waited a year or two to have kids. Your girl would be the older one Xx_FireBird_xX , I'm going to say 5 years old. I believe we agreed the first born is named after Oriona and she'll take her middle name Estelle. So, you have Estelle and I have 4 year old Cadenza.

Oriona and Zach just had their first boy, Kalum, so he'd be 7 by now. Then she'll get pregnant with Jammacus (named after Porter, your first boy Xx_FireBird_xX ) when Daniella does. So, he's also 5. And then our little insecure baby will be 3 and he will be named Benedict. And we can make our final boy (your little dude that will need a name Xx_FireBird_xX ) 1 and have Oriona finally pregnant with their girl. (Oh, and Oriona is 29)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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