The Island (Trial 2/2) [CLOSED]

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Great job on the first round contestants. As of right now it's all pretty close.
Ban and Victoria are slightly ahead as all three of their items were that of power.
Eric and Rex both grabbed just a common item, making them a bit behind since they came out with less than the other two.
Grenda left the maze with nothing. She took an exit rather than brave the maze further and due to that is no longer a participant.

The second trial contestants must make their way across an tropical island with many creatures and obstacles, but this time they don't have to go it alone. They may pick one person to accompany them. (They may not choose a soul or superior member. Or Ayzark, he's also off-limits)
The goal of this trial is to make it across the island quickest. The last one to the other side is automatically disqualified and Master Archibald will judge from there.
(Length will be judged by number of comments and not by who is done RPing the trial first)
I have three major events planned for each contestant; a battle, a riddle and one more of my choice. I have already created the four paths so it will be luck of the draw.
Pick path 1, 2, 3 or 4 (each person pick differently)

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