Chapter Nineteen (Epilogue) ▫ What The Future Holds.

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Brittany's POV

I sit a box on the kitchen floor and wipe sweat from my face.

Santana and I are moving into our apartment today.

A few months after the competition Santana and I decided that we were serious enough and we wanted to get our own place. I started working more hours with my uncle and our families pitched in too. Santana wanted to get a job while studying but I refused to let her. I wanted her to focus on her school work one hundred percent.

Knowing that Santana and I couldn't always live off of what I was making working for my uncle I looked into higher paying jobs. Sadly I haven't heard back from any of them.

My mom walks in and sits down a box.

Susan:I could hear you thinking from all the way downstairs. What's on your mind?

Brittany:I still haven't heard from any of the jobs mom.

Susan:(Sighs and rubs Brittany's shoulder)Don't stress it Britt. You'll hear back eventually and until then you can work for your uncle and I don't mind chipping in every now and then. I know Santana's parents don't mind.

Brittany:I know. I really wish someone would call back so I wouldn't need that.

Susan:They will but until they do focus on moving into your new place.

Brittany:(Smiles)I still can't believe Santana and I are moving in together.

Susan:Neither can I. It was a surprise to me and her parents.

Brittany:I hope her mom still isn't bothered by the fact that we didn't meet properly before this happened.

As if on cue in walks Santana's mom.

Maribel:I'm not.

Brittany:(Smiles)Hi Mrs. Lopez.

Maribel:I told you Brittany. Maribel will do just fine.


Maribel:It's good to see you again Susan.

Susan:You too Maribel.

Brittany:So what do you think of the place?

Maribel:(Looks around)It's really nice. I'm shocked by how fast the two of you moved furniture in here.

Brittany:Well we wanted a space to call ours as soon as possible so moving became a priority.

Maribel:Now that you have a place what is your priority?

Brittany:Well finding a better job and as always making Santana happy.

Maribel:Good answer.


Brittany:(Smiles)Let's finish unloading before everyone else gets back with the groceries .

Susan:Good idea.

My mom, Maribel and I go back downstairs and continue to unpack the Uhaul. Not long after we finish Tatum, Zen, Santana and her dad walk in carrying bags of stuff.


Brittany:(Chuckles and walks over to Santana)Sanny!

Santana:(Sits her bags down and hugs Brittany).

Brittany:(Hugs back and kisses Santana's head)How was the shopping?

Santana:It was-

Zen:It was crazy. The girl has a serious food addiction. I doubt all of this will fit in the refrigerator.

Tatum:(Sits his bags down and flops into a chair)I agree. Your girl needs some help.

Santana:(Rolls her eyes)Don't be so dramatic.

Michael:(Sits down his bag)Santana they're right. This amount of food isn't healthy.

Santana:It's not like I'll eat it all in one day.

Zen:(Mumbles)You probably will.


Santana:Anyway where are the moms?

Brittany:You passed them in the kitchen.

Santana:(Smiles and pecks Brittany's lips)Got it. (Walks away).

As I go to look through some bags my phone goes off. I look to see who's calling and my heart starts beating fast. I quickly step out onto the apartment balcony and take a deep breath before answering.


"Am I speaking to Brittany Pierce?"

Brittany:Yes you are.

"Hi Brittany this is the Youth Skills Center."

Brittany:Hi I was hoping I'd hear back from you guys.

"Glad to hear that because the position you applied for as the centers dance instructor is all yours."

Brittany:Oh my god seriously!?!

"Seriously. That is if you still want it."

Brittany:Yes! Yes I still want it!

"Good. We'd like you to come in Monday morning dressed in whatever you would teach in and the director will fill you in more on the position."

Brittany:Monday morning, dressed to teach got it.

"If you have any questions just call the center. Other than that see you Monday."

Brittany:See you Monday.

With that the call ends and I'm in  shock.

I got the job! I have been waiting for weeks to hear back from several youth centers and I finally did. I have to tell everyone. We have to celebrate.

I rush back inside with a huge smile on my face.

Zen:What's up with the face?

Brittany:I got the job.


Brittany:I got the job! You guys I got the job!

Santana:(Rushes over to Brittany)You got the job?

Brittany:(Nods and smiles)I got the job.

Santana:(Hugs Brittany).

Brittany:(Hugs Santana and lifts her up)Mmm I got the job.

Susan:(Walks over with Maribel)Congrats Britt baby I'm so proud of you.

Brittany:(Sits Santana down)Thank you mom.

Maribel:We have to go out. Dinner is on me everyone.

We all cheer and start to grab what we'll need to go out.

I have a job.

I have a place.

I have friends.

I have family.

Last but not least I have the girl of my dreams to share all of it with me.

I can't wait to see what the future holds.

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