Chapter Four ▫ See You Around.

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Brittany's POV

Tatum and I just finished getting ready and are about to head to the parking lot to meet Zen and Santana. No lie Tatum and I look fresh as fuck. I know Zen is gonna look good and I can't wait to see Santana's choice of clothing.

We get to the car and the girls aren't there yet so we wait.

Tatum:(Scrolls through his phone)You think this club is gonna be lit?

Brittany:Shit man it's near a college it better be.

"It will be."

I look up and see Santana sporting red and black in all the right places.

God this girl is sexy.


Santana:The club will be lit.

Brittany:Yeah I'll believe it when I see it.


Zen:Are yall ready?

Tatum:Nah we just standing here chilling like some villains.

Brittany:(Chuckles)Yeah we ready let's go.

We hop in the car.

Zen and Tatum in the front.

Santana and I in the back.

While Zen and Tatum talk about god knows what Santana strikes up a conversation with me.

Santana:So Brittany what's your major?

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Uh dance.

Santana:Really? You dance?

Brittany:I did...but I stopped about a year ago.

Santana:Any particular reason why?

My brother got killed by the last people I danced against and it's just hard to do it as much as I did before.

Brittany:There was an accident.

Santana:(Looks at Brittany).

She doesn't say anything for a minute. In that minute I swear my heart stops waiting for her answer.




Zen & Tatum:Ok.

Zen, Tatum and Santana laugh but I'm lost at the fact that Santana didn't ask about the accident. Everyone does.

Brittany:Don't you wanna know what happened?


Brittany:So why haven't you asked about it?

Santana:I figured if you wanted to tell me you would've gone further than "There was an accident" so I respect your choice not to tell me.

Wow that's rare.



Zen:Are yall serious? Can yall not hear each other? Damn quit that repeating shit.

Brittany:(Chuckles and playfully rolls her eyes).

For the rest of the ride we listen to music.

Once we're inside the club I see that Santana was right.

Dance For MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora