Chapter Two ▫ Fresh Start.

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Brittany's POV

One year.

It's been a whole year since Mike died.

Everyone was really broken at his funeral. Mike made everything better and without him here everything

Zen and Tatum were by my side through everything. Jacob stopped coming around after that night. He stopped by the funeral and Tatum and Zen had to make sure I didn't kill him. I think Jacob blames himself for Mike's death and he should. If Mike hadn't gone to help him he'd still be here. With me.

Everyone knew Mike and I were inseparable. They knew once Mike's heart stopped beating half of mine did too.

I remember once when we were skateboarding around the neighborhood I hit a pothole and flew off my board. I got this huge gash on my head. While I was in the hospital he saw how sad I was. My once smooth and sexy face had an ugly scar on it. Mike came up to me and held my hand. He looked at me with a serious face and said "Hey it's okay girls like hot scars now stop being a bitch". I laughed so hard and forgot how sad I was.

I miss him.

Zen and Tatum miss him.

My mom misses him.

I miss him.

My mom's so worried about me. All I ever do is lock myself in my room and blast music. I stopped dancing. It wasn't the same.

My mom wants me to have a fresh start so she's sending me to live with my uncle Will and my aunt Emma in Atlanta.

I'm sitting in the bus station on Sunday morning waiting with my headphones in. I'm just about to change the song when someone taps my shoulder. I pull my headphones out and look up to see my Aunt Emma.

Emma:Hey Brittany.

Brittany:(Stands)Hey Aunt Em.

Emma:(Pulls Brittany into a hug)It's been so long.

Brittany:(Stands still)Yeah. I guess it has been.

Emma:(Pulls away and smiles).

I grab my bag and my aunt leads us to my uncle's truck. I hop in the back and before I pop my headphones back in my uncle starts talking.

Will:(Drives)So Britt how are things back home?

Brittany:It's Brittany and things are fine.

Will:Clearly they aren't fine or else you wouldn't be here right now.

Emma:(Quickly looks at Will and glares).

Brittany:(Rolls her eyes)Whatever man.

Emma:(Looks back at Brittany)He didn't mean anything by it.

Brittany:(Puts on her headphones and blasts her music).

It's not that I don't like my uncle it's just that he always has to say some smart ass or dumb ass shit and it gets old fast. It's always been like that with him and Mike felt the same way.

After an awkward drive we finally get to the house. My aunt shows me to the room I'll stay in then leaves me to unpack. The room's not much. There's a bed, dresser, t.v. and a bathroom.

I sit on the bed and space out.

I miss Mike.

I want him to just walk through the door and say it was all a fucking joke. Mike played a lot of jokes. None of them lasted this long though.

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