Chapter Eleven ▫ Keep It Up.

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Brittany's POV

When we get back to campus Zen and Tatum decide to sleep back at Zen's dorm and let Santana and I have the other dorm for tonight.

As soon as Santana and I get into my dorm she tells me to lie on the bed and take off my shirt. Of course I make some sex jokes which she blows off.

Once I'm on the bed she grabs a towel and warms it. Then she grabs the cream she got me when I was sore. She straddles my waist and gently wipes down my ribs with the towel. I immediately get goosebumps from the action but it doesn't surprise me because I'm use to it by now. Whenever Santana touches me it drives me insane so this is nothing new to either of us.



Santana:I said you're stupid for giving into his childish behavior.

Brittany:Most girls would say I'm romantic for standing up for them.

Santana:Romantic? Is that what you were going for?

Brittany:No but he was being disrespectful to my girl so I had to show him what was up.

Santana:Well next time just walk away. I'll appreciate that much more.


She begins to rub the cream over my stomach.

Santana:Did it hurt?

Brittany:When I fell from heaven? Nah it wasn't too bad.

Santana:(Laughs)No idiot.

Brittany:(Smiles)It hurt a little bit. Not too much though.

Santana:(Looks at Brittany's stomach)It doesn't look too bad.

Brittany:Thanks doctor Santana.

Santana:(Playfully rolls her eyes)Dork.

Brittany:(Looks at Santana).

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)What?

Brittany:You're so beautiful .

Santana:(Playfully shoves Brittany's face)Shut up.

Brittany:(Smiles and grabs Santana's hands)I'm serious. I've always thought you were gorgeous.

Santana:(Blushes and bites her lip).

Brittany:Gimme kiss.

Santana:(Smiles and kisses Brittany).

Brittany:(Kisses back).

Santana and I kiss for what seems like hours but it's really only been a few minutes. As time passes the kiss becomes more intense. Clothes shed and the room gets really hot.

Santana and I have had many chances to go past making out but we were always interrupted.

Not tonight.

I flip us over and lay Santana on my bed.

Santana:(Moans)Baby be careful your ribs.

Brittany:(Chuckles)I'm fine San. (Kisses Santana's neck).

I spend the next few minutes marking Santana's neck. Her moans and gasps fill the room as I make my way down her body. Before I get to the place she wants me the most we remove the last of our clothes. The last sound I hear before drowning in pleasure is Santana begging for me to take her.

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