Chapter Ten ▫ Ceremony.

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Brittany's POV

This whole week has been filled with constant pledging, studying and sleepovers with Santana. I'm so glad tonight is the night all pledges who made it into the fraternity are revealed. There's gonna be a huge revealing ceremony on campus.

Santana still isn't aware that I pledged because I wanna surprise her. It's been hard keeping it from her due to the fact that I'm always tired and sore.

Tatum and I are getting ready to meet Zen and Santana for the ceremony.

Tatum:(Brushes his hair)You still haven't told her?

Brittany:(Ties her shoes)Nope. She's gonna find out tonight.

Tatum:(Looks at himself in the mirror)You think she'll be mad you didn't tell her?

Brittany:Maybe at first but not seriously.

Tatum:You ready?

Brittany:Yeah let's go.

We leave our dorm and make our way to the area where the ceremony is being held. When we get there I text Santana and she tells me where they are. We find the spot and go over to them.

Zen:Yo. What's up bitches?

Brittany:Wow so ladylike.


Brittany:(Wraps her arm around Santana's shoulders).


Brittany:(Leans down and pecks Santana's lips)Hey.



Brittany:Don't hate.

Zen:Yo it's about to start let's find some seats.

A few minutes after we sit down the ceremony begins. The Alpha Omegas are first to announce their pledges.

Evan the feternity leader steps forward and speaks into the mic.

Evan:I will now announce this years proud pledges who put in the work and passed. When you hear your name come up and collect your jacket then join the line.

The crowd cheers.

Evan begins announcing the new members of The Alpha Omegas and I lose it when he says...

Pledge Zen.

Pledge Tatum.

They both stand and go to get their jackets.

The final name he calls is mine and the look on Santana's face screams happiness and confusion. I just smile and go to claim my jacket. Zen and Tatum nod at me as I join them in line.

We stay in line as The High Steppers announce their new members with Noah leading the announcement. When Noah finishes listing off names he turns to Evan and speaks into the mic.

Noah:We've been the champions of the NFSC for the past seven years and that's not gonna change Evan.

Evan:You keep getting cocky like that and people will start to question some things Noah.

The crowd laughs.

Noah:(Glares at Evan).


With that the ceremony ends and everyone starts to disperse.

As I walk off the stage a body crashes into mine. I immediately know who it is when the person squeals and jumps up to wrap their legs around me.

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