Chapter Eighteen ▫ Dance For Me.

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Brittany's POV

I've been driving for about twenty minutes.

I'm so pissed.

It all makes sense now. Santana's dad hates me because of what my uncle did. I have to be punished for something I had no control over. It's unfair and fucked up.

I spot a vacant lot and decide to pull over. I turn my car off and stare at my steering wheel before everything hits me. I punch my steering wheel and dashboard over and over again.

Everything was going so well. My grades were good. Santana and I were happy. My best friends were back in my life. I was dancing again and joined a group that taught me so much.

Now it's gone.

There's nothing left for me here.

My friends and Santana will continue on with school and leave with diplomas and job offers. They won't have time for me.

I love Santana a lot but her dad's right she has a lot going for herself. I on the other hand just got kicked out of school.

As I think about my frustrations my phone goes off. I look at who's calling and see it's my mom. I take a deep breath and answer.

Brittany:Hey Ma.

"Hey honey."

By her tone I can tell that she knows. I'm sure my aunt called her.

Brittany:You know huh?

"Yeah I do. Your aunt called after you left."

Brittany:I figured.

"Brittany honey I'm so sorry. I know you were doing so well and your aunt feels so bad for this happening."

Brittany:It doesn't matter. I'm kicked out.

"Is there anything that you can do? Can you tell someone?"

Brittany:Like anyone would believe the words of a criminal over a respected dean.

"You're not a criminal so stop that. You know how that makes me feel."

My mom hates when I claim the title that the police gave me. She doesn't blame me for anything that happened.

Brittany:(Sighs)I'm sorry Ma.

"Just knock it off."


The line is silent for a minute before she speaks.

"What do you wanna do honey?"

Brittany:I mean there's nothing for me out here. I was thinking of coming back home.

"What about Zen and Tatum? Oh and that girl you're always talking about...Santana?"

Brittany:I can always call them and as far as me and Santana's relationship...she can do better Ma. She deserves better.

"Brittany Susan Pierce-


"Shut it up. Now I did not raise my children to think lowly of themselves. You are as good as anyone else on this planet. Rich or poor do you hear me?"

Brittany:Yes Ma.

"I don't wanna hear that kind of talk from you anymore and if I do I swear on my life I will beat your scrawny ass."

Brittany:(Laughs)Dang Ma ok.

"Now you know that this house is always a choice for you but I want you to think all this through."

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