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Firstly, I'm going to apologise for making you all wait a whole month for the next update... I even got a pm from someone asking me to update. I'll try and make sure I update properly. Your comments always make me smile and after reading literally all of them, I decided I should start writing this properly again. Sorry.

Jungkook's POV


I looked down at her. She was staring right into my eyes. 

She started leaning forward towards me, and in a panic, I moved backwards. 

She fell and so I fell.

Now I was lying on her bedroom floor, with her on top of me. 

"Oh shit," I heard her mutter. She quickly got up and then helped me up as well.

"Sorry Kookie, I guess I..." 

I couldn't understand anything she was saying after that because she was speaking so quietly. 

"Y/N? I don't understand."

"Oh sorry, I guess I was mumbling. Isn't it Jimin's birthday today? Why are you here so early? I bet you haven't even seen him yet today. You should go say happy birthday!"

She said this while walking forwards, making me walk backwards - I guess this was her way of politely asking me to leave. 


Oh my god, I am so awkward. When I'm in a situation like this, I keep coming up with the worst solutions. I guess it's a good thing that Jungkook backed away, although, did I have to fall on him? I probably don't actually like him, it was probably because I only just broke up with Jacob and I started seeking attention from Jungkook? Obviously, he wouldn't consider me anything more than a friend, right? Then there's the way I made him leave. I drive myself crazy sometimes.

I heard the front door closing, I guess Jungkook had left already. I looked out the window, and I saw him there, walking towards his house. I carried on watching him walking, suddenly he turned around and our eyes met. I quickly ducked, although there was no point because he had already seen me. It was just my first instinct to do that.

Jungkook's POV

As I walked away from Y/N's house, I suddenly felt the urge to turn around and look back. I swear I saw Y/N looking out her window, but it could have easily been a mistake. I entered our house and I could already hear the screaming. 

I saw Jimin hyung talking to Namjoon hyung. I went up to them and gave Jimin his present that I had bought for him and said Happy birthday to him. 

"Has your girlfriend gotten more important than your hyung?" He joked," Where were you this morning?"

"At Y/N's"

"I told you Jimin. That's where he always is now." Namjoon laughed.

Suddenly I remembered what had just happened at Y/N's house. When we were lying on the floor, our faces had been so close. I could see her face turn into a tomato at the speed of light. Mine must have done that as well because I felt really hot when she was that close to me.

"Kookie. Kookie! What are you daydreaming about? Come on we're going to central London for his birthday."

"Huh? Oh yeah, okay."

Hope that was dramatic enough for you all XD also I'm just curious on how you all found this story.

English? BTS Jungkook x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora