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Okay, so firstly, I think I need to apologise.

I'm so sorry that I have not updated in ages, but you can partly blame the wifi and exams for that.

Anyways i'm just gonna get on with the story.


Okay then, if this boy isn't gonna know how to plan properly, I'm gonna take charge.

"Kookie, let's go watch a film."

"Uh, movie watching?"

"Yeah, come!"

Me and him walked to the nearest cinema and were looking through the films to see what was on.

"Oh oh, train to Busan!" Jungkook said.

"What's that?"

"Korean zombies!"

"Boy, I can't let you watch Korean films i'm your english tutor, teacher or whatever you want to call it."


"Wait does it have english subs?"


"Nevermind, let's watch Captain America Civil War." 

(They both came out in 2016. Makes it more realistic.)

"Is iron man in it?"

"Yeah? Why do you like iron man?"


"Ok then, I guess we're watching that. It will help you with your english because you'll be hearing english while enjoying it."

I don't think Jungkook understood what I said but he just nodded and pushed me to get tickets.

"Hi, can we get two tickets for Captain America?" I asked.

"Yes, that will be £8."

Jungkook pushed me away again, and handed the man a five pound note.

I took out another five pound note and gave it to the man, he gave Jungkook the change and Jungkook gave it to me.

As we were going up the escalator I asked him, "Do you even know your numbers? Or are you just really bad at maths?"

He didn't reply and just looked forward, slightly embarrassed.

 We bough our popcorn which I paid for and then we went to take our seats. I then took out the tickets and checked the numbers.

"Kookie, you're in G6 and I'm in... G9?"

Wait, why had the man given us different seat numbers? I still don't know really.

We sat apart and then when a couple came in and sat down between us, we asked if we could swap places. They, however, would not move because apparently they had pre booked these seats and had to pay extra for the perfect seat. 

I rolled my eyes and Jungkook pointed at a row of empty seats.

This was the last showing and there were barely any people in here. We decided to just move there because no one would know. Obviously, someone did find out and complained that we were in their seat so we had to move again. We just went and sat at the front because we knew not a lot of people would want to sit there. 

During the film we didn't talk much with each other apart from on some occasions when Jungkook would ask me what a word meant and I would have to try and explain it in the simplest terms possible. Jungkook held the popcorn so I had to reach quite far to get it so he told me to hold it. I didn't know if that was supposed to be nice or rude but I took it from him anyway.

After the film finished we left the cinema to realise that it was raining.

Of course.

Luckily, me being an expert at being British, I had brought an umbrella, but Jungkook being the opposite of me, had not. So we had to share.

Jungkook said that he would hold it so I gave it to him, however he had no idea how to open it. Therefore, I had to take it from him and open it myself. I guess Jungkook really can't do everything like people say he can, but I can't blame him, my umbrella is pretty confusing to open.

When I opened it I accidentally hit him with it while it was opening, so I apologised about 7 times. He then took it from me and we walked home together. At one point, he grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. He said that I was too far from him. To be honest, I didn't mind being this close to him because I was sure at this point, that I was starting to like him. By 'like him' I mean more than liking him as a friend.

English? BTS Jungkook x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now