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Just some stuff so you know what you're reading:

(Y/N) = Your name (insert your name when this shows up)

(H/C) = Hair color (insert your hair color when this shows up)

(H/L) = Hair length (insert your hair length when this shows up)

(F/C) = Favorite Color (insert your favorite color when this shows up)

(LU/LD) = Look up/Look down (this means you either look up at a character or look down, decide when this appears)

(M/N) = Mom name (insert a mother's name when you see this)

(F/N) = Father name (insert a father's name when you see this)

(A/N) = Animatronic name (insert one of the main six animatronics when you see this))

I'm not sure if I missed any, so keep a look out if I update this!

Human, or Animatron?: 09Sharkboy X Reader (FNASaC's)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang