Chapter 1

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It had been a few years ever since the death of the boy, Shark.

(Y/N) knew him, along with the the other friends. (Y/N) would always try to talk about him, but none of them would remember, not even a single trace.

~I'm going to stop Author POV and just do yours!~

I eventually gave up, knowing it would never work.

One day, I was hanging out with Ryan, when he brought up an interesting question. "Why do you always talk about this 'Shark' guy?"

You two were currently at the pizzeria, making you understand why he brought up the question. "No reason," I answered, taking a bite out of my pizza.

"Sure!" He said enthusiastically, punching my arm slightly. "Hey, I answered!" I fought back, pushing him a bit out of his chair.

We began laughing, till I caught a pair of eyes watching was the Shark animatronic the pizzeria had built to say sorry for the death of the real one.

He stared at us, a painful smile on his face. Once we locked eyes he turned away, going back to playing with the kids.

"(Y/N)?" Ryan asked, snapping his fingers next to my ears.

"Huh?" I said, turning to him. "What?"

"Your food, just got stolen," He answered, trying not to laugh.

I turned to my plate and saw the pizza was gone, and a little boy with 3D glasses on running away with it. "Really?!" I shouted to the boy, who ran out of the stage room.

"Sorry, that was one murder," Ryan joked, patting my back. I flicked his arm away. "My pizza..." I then cried slightly, I'm a joking way though.

He couldn't help but laugh as I did too, almost loosing my breathe.

((Has anyone ever laughed so hard they were red? Or almost died?))

"I'm going to go home, you gonna stay for a bit?" Ryan said, after talking for awhile. "Heck yeah! I still need to say hi!"

"Hi?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "Yeah, so Foxy, Chica, Freddy, Bonnie, Chipper, and Shark!" I responded, gesturing to the few animatronics in the room.

He was still slightly confused, but just shrugged it off. "Tell them I said hi then," He said, walking out of the pizzeria.

I slightly rolled my eyes, finally being the childish one around here. I entered into Foxy's cove, he was my favorite so far, main,y because of his hook!

I stood at the front of the stage, looking up at the animatronic, who looked down at me from the stage. "Arr (Y/N)! How ya' las been?" He asked me, jumping down from the stage.

He was still taller than me, but not AS tall anymore.

"Great! You Pirate Hooks?" I asked, doing my silly nickname I made him..after watching Peter Pan. "It's Captain Foxy to ya'! And I've been great too!" He answered, pointing his hook at me.

I laughed slightly, moving his hook away. "I better say hi to everyone else, bye Captain Hook!" I exclaimed to him, running back to the main stage room.

"Captain Foxy!" He called after me, groaning in annoyance.

I giggled as I got to the stage where Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Chipper stood. I've never been a big fan of Chipper, and I think he was the same about me. "Hi Freddy! Chica! Bonnie! Chipper!" I exclaimed to them, waving. The three looked at me, Chipper looking away in annoyance.

"Hi sweets!" Chica cheered to me, waving back. "Heya carrot sticks!" Bonnie replied next, sitting down in front of me. "Hey kid!" Freddy said after, sitting on the edge of the stage next to Bonnie.

"Hey guys! How you been?"

"Carrotastic!" Bonnie exclaimed first, making me and the others laugh. "No other way to explain it old friend," Freddy said, rubbing between Bonnie's ears, ruffling his animatronic fur. "Hey!" He shouted, puffing his cheek because of his new fluffy hair.

I laughed even more by the three, always wondering how the were so, well, human-like.

"You say hi to Shark?" Chica asked, placing her arms ontop of Freddy's head, laying on them.

I shook my head. "No, about to though."

The three nodded and smiled to me. "You should, cool guy," Freddy said, using his thumb to point at Shark's playroom.

I looked at the room, nodding. "See you guys later then!" I said, waving bye as I walked to Shark's room.

I entered the room, the walls blue with decorations of sharks, shells, and other underwater things. The roof was a beach, with a sun, which was where the lights were at.

I looked at where Shark was, in his little kitty pool, playing with the other kids. Others were playing in a little play area with water toys, playing some games in his few arcade gamed arcade area, while others were sliding down his small water slide.

I walked up to them, getting Shark's attention. "Hey Shark," I said to him, smiling. He stared at me for awhile, not really smiling. "Hi," He finally answered.

"How you been?" I asked, sitting outside of the kitty pool in front of him. He wanted to reply, to what seemed like honestly, but couldn't. "Fine," He answered, looking down slightly.

That was a bit concerning, especially since Freddy had said he was a "cool guy".

"Well, sure seems like fun!" I said, trying to start up a different conversation. "Yeah!" The kids answered and cheered, some hugging Shark.

I smiled, giggling too.

Human, or Animatron?: 09Sharkboy X Reader (FNASaC's)Where stories live. Discover now