Chapter 2

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I entered the pizzeria, excited for the interview I had. "Ah, Miss Y/N!" A purple man said, walking up to me from the building.

"Mr. Purple Guy," I greeted respectfully.

"Please, just Purple Guy will do for now," He smiled, wrapping an arm around me. "Now, shall we be going?" He asked.

I couldn't help but giggle as I nodded, him leading me into the pizzeria.

He gave me a tour, explaining how I was to check on the animatronic if I were nightguard. He also told me about the power problems, so I'd have to use my battery wisely.

"It resets every morning, at the chime of 6," He finished explaining, leading me to my 'soon to be office'.

I looked around the tight room, it was nice though. There were shelves of books, a chair, desk, and a computer. "Cozy!" I exclaimed, making him chuckled.

"Yes indeed," He said, closing the door. "Have you met the animatronics?" He asked, clasping his hands together.

I nodded. "My favorite is A/N (animatronic name)!"  I answered. He nodded. "A/N is sure a fun one," He agreed.

"Now, I'll tell you how this went and let you know if you're hired," He said, beginning to walk away.

"Wait! That's all? No questions?" I asked, making him turn to me. "I don't take questions, it's all about reactions," He answered, walking back to his office.

I was left in a slight tad of confusion, but shrugged it off.

I exited the pizzeria, beginning to walk home.

((Sorry to make it so short, I have to go to bed soon and I had no other ideas! See you at Night 1!))

Human, or Animatron?: 09Sharkboy X Reader (FNASaC's)Where stories live. Discover now