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This is by lynxadventure21

Italics= thoughts

Kaylee P.O.V

"Oh. My. Bats, we're in GOTHAM CITY!" I screamed.

"Yeesh, stay whelmed Kaylee we need to think, where are we in Gotham because in case you have forgotten this city has some of the most dangerous criminals," Onyx reasoned.

"Well fist we need to find a place to stay, it needs to be well protected and we had better find it soon because I don't want to stay out on the streets in the middle of the night," I explained motherly instincts kicking in.

"It looks like we're on the outskirts of Gotham since we can see the 'welcome to Gotham City' sign," Onyx stated.

"What if we go to one of Red Hood's old hideouts? There's bound to be one around here somewhere since he and the outlaws are constantly making new ones," I thought out loud.

"Good thinking, now how do we get down?" Onyx questioned.

"Ummmmm," I began to pace on top of the building deep in thought but stopped when I stepped on something "huh, what's this?" I picked it up and immediately identified it as a grappling gun.

"I found our way down," I said while waving the grappling gun above my head.

"Awesome now let's get down from here," Onyx replied. We hung on to each other as I used the grappling gun to slowly lower us on the ground. Trust me when I say it's not easy supporting both me and Onyx with only one hand not feeling the aster. We began to walk around keeping an eye out for villains and one of Jason's old hideouts. I noticed that there was a wall with a bunch or red arrows in front of it. Hmmmm, red arrows, Speedy, Roy Harper, ARSENAL! I thought to myself realizing that the projectile weapons belonged to Arsenal friend and fellow outlaw of Jason Todd. 

 "Hey Onyx do you think that could mean something?" I asked. "It probably means that they were fighting here come on let's keep moving we need to find a hideout," Onyx reasoned."I'm gonna see if it's a secret entrance," I replied I couldn't explain it but I had a feeling that those arrows weren't leftovers of a battle. I walked over to the wall and began to feel all over it ignoring the fact that Onyx was clearly rolling her eyes. Eventually my hand came across a loose brick I pressed it and the wall slid to the side reveal a hideout. Based on the weapons and helmet that was inside it belonged to the outlaws it also appeared to have been abandoned for several months based on the thick layer of dust that sent me into a sneezing fit. 

"Nice find! A little bit of cleaning and we have ourselves a place to stay," Onyx complemented. I merely nodded my head since it didn't seem like I would stop sneezing any time soon. The red heads began cleaning out their new home. By the time, we were finished it was one in the morning. Exhausted we each claimed a room and fell asleep.

But on the other side of Gotham there was trouble. Red Hood A.K.A Jason Todd was walking through crime alley looking for a criminal to beat to a bloody pulp the full moon lighting the way. When suddenly he was attacked; his instincts kicked in and he immediately turned around and delivered a right upper cut to the jaw of his opponent. The attacker staggered back from the force of the punch allowing Red Hood to get a proper look at him, he was...... a mutant dog? 

"What are you supposed to be, Man-bat's long lost cousin?" Red Hood questioned. The creature only growled in response. It charged. Red Hood pulled out his guns and began shooting but the bullets passed right through him."What the f-" Red Hood began to say only to be cut off when the creature slammed into him. Hood slammed his fist into its stomach effectively winding it then judo flipping it so the creature landed on its back. But the creature wasn't giving up that easily grabbing Red Hood's jacket it pulled him down and tried to bite his head off. Twisting out of the mutants hold Red Hood heard his jacket rip. Punches and kicks were both sent and received by both parties.

 Eventually the mutant managed to get Red Hood in a head lock, Red Hood struggled against the creatures hold grabbing the creatures arm he tried to pry it's arm off him but the mutant was immensely stronger. The massive wolf opened its jaws and bit into Red Hood's shoulder.

"AUGH!" Jason cried in pain "did you just bite me?" The next thing he knew was that the creature had released him. Spinning around planning to take it down Red Hood was met with nothing but air. Red Hood looked around trying to locate the creature only for it to have vanished. His ribs screamed in protest of the movement he had broken three in the fight. 

Without warning his blood began to boil. Jason felt like his veins were on fire. He couldn't breathe. Red Hood hastily removed his helmet gasping for breath. He screamed in pure agony as his veins became red hot. The pain didn't stop he felt like he was being burned from the inside out soon he found himself clutching his head in pain; feeling like his teeth were being grinned into mush. Pain was the last thing he was aware of before the world went dark.

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