He lived

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  by lynxadventure21    

Things in between ''are thoughts unless they are between " "

Kaylee/Kunoichi P.O.V

I woke up in a guest room in Wayne Manor. My hand rocketed to my face, I let out a sigh of relief when I felt that my mask was still on my face. I got up made the bed and put my boots back on; after making sure that the room was spotless without a wrinkle to be seen on the covers I started walking towards the grandfather clock. I was about to open the clock when I heard a yelp of surprise. I opened the clock and raced into the cave. When I got inside I saw Ember Shadow strangling Tim. I grabbed Onyx's hands and started trying to pry them off while yelling at her to let him live. I wasn't sure if I had full control of my super strength or not so I held back as much as possible not wanting to hurt her.

Eventually the entire bat-family not including Jason showed up and they began helping me in the difficult task of getting Ember's fingers off Tim's neck. We ended up having to lather Ember's hands and Tim's neck in 50 pounds of butter to make Tim's neck slippery and hard to hang onto and an entire 24 hours before we managed to get her off him. As soon as Ember Shadow's fingers stopped crushing Tim's windpipe he collapsed to his knees and began wheeze and cough trying to get precious oxygen into his lungs. To be honest I'm surprised that he's still conscious. I scowled at Ember who had a look of indifference on her face. Upon seeing me scowling at her she was quick to defend herself.

"He woke me up!" she exclaimed while pointing at Tim.

"Ok, we NEED to work on your S.V.D," I stated.

"S.V.D?" questioned Batman.

"Sleep violence disorder, anyone who has it when woken up immediately lashes out with violence on whoever was dumb enough to wake them up," I explained.

"Are people with S.V.D aware that they are doing this?" asked Nightwing.

"Yes and no, when they are first awakened they aren't aware of it but they become aware after an hour of being awake, then it becomes their choice on whether they continue doing so or not; but most people with S.V.D choose to continue until stopped with force," I answered.

 The bats just stared, their eyes darting back and forth between me and Onyx.

 "Who are you?" Batman questioned. 

"I'm Kunoichi and this is Ember Shadow," I introduced; I then noticed that Red Hood was back in the med bay "When did you move Hood back to the med bay?"

 "After Ember Shadow put you in the guest room and before she came back from what I assume was patrol," Tim informed his breathing finally under control. 

 At that moment, the others seemed to realize that Tim had his cowl off with strangers in the cave. They all reacted covering his face with their hands and shoving his cowl on. When they removed their hands from his face I laughed his cowl was on crooked and he was scowling at his family. Tim shoved his cowl off and explained to them how we got into the cave and accidentally learned his identity. 

"What happened to Jason?" Batman growled as he walked towards the med bay stopping when he was standing beside his son's bed. 

"I don't know exactly, me and Ember had gone out on patrol and went to Crime Alley upon entering Crime Alley we saw Jason laying on the ground his helmet was off but he still had his domino mask on. 

 Based on his physical state he had been in a fight, a nasty one, he was beaten black and blue, laying in a small puddle of his own blood. He has three broken ribs, multiple bruises, a bite mark and..." I trailed off. 

"And what?" Dick questioned. "And is turning into a werewolf," Ember stated.

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