Ice bath so much fun! Not

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  by lynxadventure21    

Things in between ''are thoughts unless they are between "

 "Kaylee/Kunoichi P.O.V "

Did Ember just fall asleep on the cave floor?" asked Red Hood in disbelief. "She probably subconsciously manipulated the shadows to act like a mattress," I reasoned. "Wait...if Ember Shadow is asleep what's keeping the werewolf from attacking us all?" Red Hood questioned.

 "S#*T!" I exclaimed. I shoved Red Hoods arm off my shoulders and ran towards where Ember had left the werewolf tied by her shadows. I heard a THUMP which was followed by someone yelling "JAY!" which I assume was Tim as I checked on the wolf. 

 Ember's shadows had disappeared but the wolf was still unconscious so we were fine. I grabbed two handcuffs out of my utility belt. Taking the first one I cuffed its right front leg to its left hind leg behind its back then did the same thing with his left front leg and right hind leg making it unable to move. I walked back over to the boys while dragging the werewolf behind me. 

 "Who are you and how did you find the Batcave?" Tim demanded. "I'm Kunoichi the girl sleeping in the shadows is my partner Ember Shadow and the answer to the second question should be obvious," I replied while pointing at Red Hood. "What makes you think that it's obvious how you found the secret base of the vigilantes of Gotham City," Tim snapped. 

"Hood told us where to go to find the zeta tube and which buttons to hit because he's in desperate need of medical attention and you're the only one that can provide it," I explained. "I am not in desperate need of medical attention," Red Hood argued, his speech was becoming slurred. "Tell that to your fangs and the fact that you can't support your own weight!" I snapped. 

"What happened to him?" Tim asked worry creeping into his voice. "We found him in an ally beaten up and bitten, he was bitten by this thing," I explained and thrust the unconscious werewolf towards the boys."What the-" Tim began but was cut off by me. "It's a werewolf Mr. Drake." "I can see that, and how do you know my name?" Bats always full of suspicion. "Your cowl has been off this entire time I can see who you are clear as day." Tim instinctively felt his face to see that his cowl was indeed down.

 I rolled my eyes behind my mask. "Oh." Was Tim's brilliant answer. "Jason, are you feeling okay?" I asked when I noticed that his face was glistening with sweat. Tim looked down at his older brother and I could see the worry clear as day. 

"Ims fiiiine," he slurred in response. 

"Any ideas on what he said?" Tim asked me. "I think he said 'I'm fine'" I translated based on how young kids talk when they're sick and tired. "Come on Jason let's get you to the med bay," Tim said while offering his hand to help him up. Unfortunately, Tim was not expecting Hood to co crumble back down to the ground and ended up flattening Tim.

 I sighed and picked up Hood fire man style. "Thanks," thanked Tim. "No problem" I replied "where to?" "This way," Tim instructed and led me to the med bay; upon arrival, I put Hood down on the nearest bed. "Why don't you go wake up your friend while I deal with Jason?" Tim offered.

 "Nah, I don't have a death wish," I replied "I'd much rather help you with setting the machines and what not." Following Tim's instructions, we began to do x-rays and blood tests on Jason. I noticed that Jason was starting to shiver but his body was still producing sweat, not good. I grabbed a temporal artery thermometer took off the protective cap and pressed it against the middle of his forehead I pressed and held the scan button and dragged it across his forehead to his hairline. I checked the temperature 105 °F, crap.

 If it goes any higher he will need to go to a hospital. "TIM START AN ICE BATH!" I yelled at the teenage boy who was being mesmerized by Jason's blood which was under a microscope. Tim looked up and came running"What's going on?" he questioned. 

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