Roy Calm Down!

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By: Lynx

Things in between ' ' are thoughts unless they are between " "

Kaylee/Kunoichi P.O.V

After we left the zeta tube we immediately took to the roof tops. We ran near the edges of the roofs constantly changing between looking down at the streets below us scanning for the runaway bat and looking in front of us so we wouldn't fall. The comm in my ear went off and I heard Batman's voice over the crackling of static.

"Based on the saliva we got from around the bite the werewolf that bit Jason is Roy Harper; we are still trying to identify the one in the cave," Batman stated."Copy, over and out," I replied. Yep, I definitely watch too much TV. I turned to Ember."Isn't Roy Arsenal? And aren't they friends?" I questioned assuming that I had mixed up my facts.

"Yes to both, he was in his werewolf form when he bit Red Hood and werewolves are said to have no control over what they are doing during their werewolf form so he probably doesn't even know that he did it," she explained. I nodded my head and continued looking. Then a thought came to mind, a frightening thought that made me freeze. I spun on my heel to face Ember Shadow.

"What about Lian?" I asked my eyes were wide."It'll be fine" Ember answered dismissively. I could tell that she wasn't listening. I marched over to her, grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face me."What about Lian Harper? She's Roy's daughter if Roy is a werewolf with no self control while he is transformed she isn't safe!" I shouted. 

 Ember's eyes widened finally realizing why I was panicking. I called the batcave."Guys, where do the Harpers live?" I requested. Dick told me the address after cutting off Bruce who had started to tell me he went off the grid; apparently Dick had gone to visit his old Titan teemate a few weeks ago, I thanked him before I hung up.

"Ok.... ummmm..... We need to find Jason and we need to get Lian to a safer place; here's what we'll do. We'll split up, I'll go to the Harpers' house and get Lian since I have a lot of experience with kids while you go get Jason," I decided."Why should I go after Jason?" Ember argued "you're the one with super strength and I can just use the shadows to get Lian out of the house without her father knowing.""KIDNAP HER!?!?!" I exclaimed "that's why you can't, you want to kidnap a little girl! I have night vision and super strength which can give me an advantage if something other than a full moon triggers his transformation and you can use your shadows to bring Jason kicking and screaming back to the batcave with your shadows or you can do it physically whichever way you want to! And besides, we both know that you want to go after Jason because if you go after Jason your way more likely to get to fight the only reason you are countering what I said is because you don't like the fact that someone younger than you is telling you what to do!"

Before Onyx could retort I felt a gut wrenching feeling. I felt fear and worry that was not my own. But the most alarming of all I felt an overwhelming feeling of needing to be somewhere. When I turned to look in the direction that the feeling seemed to want me to go to a blue arrow appeared like in a videogame when they wanted your avatar to go in a certain direction. I narrowed my eyes at the arrow."I'm going to go find and help Lian and hopefully Roy to I'll bring them to the batcave you go and get Jason!" I spat. Before she could say or do anything I spun on my heel and ran. I followed the arrow. 

 The arrow would turn left and right and I would follow it, I felt like I was the avatar in Spirit Animals on a quest but their arrow was green while mine was blue. The more I followed the arrow the more the feeling in my gut ceased and the feelings of fear and worry disappeared. As I ran from rooftop to rooftop in silence I had a lot of time to think. I probably shouldn't have said to Ember, it was uncalled for. The thought of kidnapping Lian riled me up. 

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