Fighting the Big Bad Wolf

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  by lynxadventure21  

Kaylee/ Kunoichi P.O.V

Things in between ''are thoughts unless they are between " "

-A few minutes ago-

We decided to walk to the Batcave figuring that the batfam would be able to help. Red Hood was still pretty banged up from that werewolf; three broken ribs, a giant bite mark on his shoulder, beaten black and blue, his pride and the physical toll the transformation seems to be taking on him isn't helping. He continuously collapses to his knees from exhaustion and pain but he refuses our offers of help. Two minutes into the walk and I was ready to put one of my fans against his throat and tell him that if he didn't let us help him I would cut his head clean off. But before I could something came at us.

Luckily Ember Shadow sensed that there was movement behind us and could warn us. I tackled Red Hood out of the way to the right while Ember Shadow did an army role to the left. I looked up to see our attacker thinking that it would be someone like Bane, but instead I saw a giant furry creature that stood on two legs; the creature stepped into the light of the street lamp and howled. It had a long snout full of sharp carnivorous teeth, a black nose that seemed to be taking in deep breaths but if it was because it was trying to catch its breath or was smelling us I wasn't sure, large pointy ears which moved independently of each other one listening to Ember and the other to me and Hood, piercing red eyes that are clearly adapted for night vision, even though his torso was covered in fur I could still see the distinct shape of a six pack, it's front legs had claws like small daggers, it's hind legs were muscular and clearly made for long distance and fast running, based on the mud on its front paws it was able to go down on all fours for sprinting, complete with the long bushy tail of a timber wolf.

"I think we found the big bad wolf of this fairy tale," I squeaked out.

"Kunoichi get ready to fight and put Red Hood on the sidelines of the battle I got an idea," Ember Shadow called out while pulling out one of her guns and screwing on the silencer. It took me two seconds to figure out what she was planning. 

"EMBER DON'T! WOLVES CAN-" I yelled at her only to be cut off by the muffled bang of the gun being fired; the bullet hit its target, the street lamp "see in the dark" I finished with a sigh. I moved Hood so he was sitting against the wall of a building. 

 Then I realized something odd, I could see! It was new moon and not a star in the sky, the only light in the ally had come from the street lamp that Ember Shadow had destroyed yet I could see everything in perfect detail. Then it clicked I had powers, I had night vision! Ember Shadow grabbed her throwing knifes. Red Hood was useless in this battle since he couldn't see and he was injured. Well that's just great. 

 Ember Shadow had an advantage since she was using projectile weapons she didn't have to worry too much about being bitten. I on the other hand am at a massive disadvantage since all my weapons are close range. My only long range weapons would be my explosives and smoke bombs and I'd rather not risk making a building collapse so that leaves me with my fans, machete and Taser gloves. 

 Sighing I unsheathed my fans which are my best weapon and it wouldn't give me an even larger disadvantage like my machete would. Ember began to use her weird sensory thing to find the wolf and began to throw her knifes at it while I waited for an opening.It didn't take Ember long to realize that her knifes were flying right through its body without leaving a scratch. Well @#$%*. Ember grabbed her frying pan and we both charged at it. Ember went high and swung at its head while I went low and went to cut his torso. 

 Our weapons went right through it! I put away my weapons and began to throw my fists at it. But instead of it being winded from my punch it went flying! What is going on? The wolf let out a menacing growl.

 Ember didn't seem intimidated now knowing that we could hurt it, I on the other hand......well apparently, I have super strength and night vision but I don't know if I'm invulnerable and I don't really want to get bitten to find out while becoming one of them in the process. 

 The wolf launched itself at us and we began to do hand to hand combat. Using my new-found strength, we were starting to get the upper hand. Unfortunately, the wolf seemed to have brains as well as brawn. It realized that I was the main attacker therefore the biggest threat. He managed to knock me to the side; hitting my head against the wall and landing beside Red Hood. "Having a good time?" he joked. 

 I scowled at him. I launched myself back into the battle but I was too late. The wolf had Ember pinned to the ground and was about to bite her. Ember growled but I could tell that she was scared. The wolf's jaws came down. I wasn't going to make it in time. 

 Ember Shadow raised her hands in hope of protecting herself. Suddenly the wolf began to thrash wildly; acting like someone was trying to tie it down. The darkness of the alley seemed to close in around the wolf tying it up. It was pulled off Ember Shadow; she stood and continued to have her right arm outstretched her hand in a sort of cup shape all her fingers pointed towards the wolf. "Ember, a-are you doing that?" I asked shakily.

"Yeah," Ember Shadow confirmed "I can control shadows; this allowed me to sense where the werewolf was, I guess we both have powers now huh?" "Yeah, think we have any more?" I questioned. "Maybe," she replied with a shrug "do you know if you have anything other than your super strength?" "Night vision," I stated. 

"Alright we get it you guys have powers and captured the werewolf with your shadow bending now let's get our butts to the Batcave before this change becomes permanent!" Red Hood snapped. I shrugged and walked over to the struggling werewolf. I threw a punch at its temple effectively knocking it out. 

"You know for someone who just gained super strength you have really good control over it," Ember Shadow stated since I didn't turn the wolf's head into a pancake when I knocked it unconscious. "Nah, I think it just has a thick skull," I explained. 

 I grabbed Red Hood's arm and put it around my shoulders supporting some of his weight and ignoring his protests saying he could walk just fine on his own while Ember dragged the unconscious werewolf behind us. After twenty minutes of walking we reached the zeta tube and entered the Batcave. 

 Upon entry, I heard a CRASH and SPLOOSH turning my head towards where the sounds had come from I saw Red Robin with his cowl down allowing himself to be Tim Drake his coffee mug broken on the cave floor from when he had dropped it. Whelp I guess that means we don't have to pretend to not know who Red Robin is....

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