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  by lynxadventure21    

Things in between ''are thoughts unless they are between " "

Kaylee/Kunoichi P.O.V

Ember Shadow half dragged half led me up to the manor. When we exited the clock, Alfred told us to go to the kitchen. Us being the nice people we are obliged and followed the butler to the kitchen. We sat down at the breakfast bar and Alfred put a plate of freshly made cookies in front of us. Ember and I shared a look unsure on whether to trust that these were safe for consumption. Alfred rolled his eyes.

"I assure you that the cookies are not poisoned in any way," Alfred assured and to prove it he took a cookie and popped it into his mouth. I shrugged and copied Alfred's actions of taking a cookie and popping it into my mouth. It was DELICIOUS. I could tell that Onyx was rolling her eyes behind her mask.

"Ugh, these people are insane!" Ember exclaimed while throwing her arms up for emphasis.

"Yeah, they're pretty cray-cray," I agreed.

"Ok, you really need to stop hanging around little kids you sound like you're ten," she stated. I shrugged in response. We were silent out of things to talk about. After about ten minutes I broke it.

"Do you think we got the right wolf?" I questioned.

"What do you mean the right wolf?" Ember asked.

"The werewolf that bit Jason," I clarified. Ember stared at me like I had grown a second head.

"Well think about it, what are the odds that there actually is only one? And if there is more than one how does we know that we got the right one?" I questioned.

"Hmm... if we compare the bite mark to the werewolf's teeth we should be able to tell if it was that wolf by seeing if the mark matches the teeth."

"Yeah, that would probably work. Should we tell the bats about that now or later?"

"Later, I am so not in the mood to deal with them."


"Why do you think Jason started running?"

"He's probably still suffering daddy issues with the bat. What's with all the questions?"

"Well, I can't help but think of the bedtime stories I would always read to the younger kids back in the orphanage." "What on earth is making you think of bedtime stories at a time like this?" 

"The kids often asked for myths and legends so I've read a lot about things like Count Dracula and Hercules; in the newer stories about werewolves they are portrayed as pack animals but in the original myths and legends they were portrayed as solitary creatures. If the original legends are correct and werewolves are solitary creatures... what if Jason was running because it's the next stage of his transformation, finding a secluded area." 

 Ember stared at me opened mouthed I could practically see the gears turning in her head. "If you're right and werewolves are as vicious as they say, Jason will try to get away from us at any means necessary; even killing his own family," Ember Shadow stated, "we need to warn the bats, if anyone's going to send them to Hell it's going to be me." 

"Yep," I agreed. The two of us dashed towards the clock and entered the Batcave. We were too late. The cave was trashed and the entire batfamily was either unconscious or severely wounded. How much soundproofing did they put in here, I didn't hear any signs of conflict.

 Ember went to check the infirmary to see if Jason was still there while I checked the batfamily to see if anyone was conscious and could tell us what happened. When I checked on Batgirl she groaned, she was still conscious.

"What happened here?" I asked. "Jason attacked us," Batgirl spat. "Did anything happen before he attacked?" I questioned. "Uh... yeah, he kept on trying to get out of bed and leave and we kept on putting him back in bed and telling him he needed to rest, I guess he just snapped; the fever must be making him delusional," she replied.

 "I don't think that's it," I replied. "What do you mean?" Batgirl asked. I ignored her."Jason's gone and I think everyone is still alive, I called Alfred to come down and tend to them," Ember informed. "Right, is the werewolf still here?" I asked. "No idea," Ember answered, "I'll check on the wolf you move them to the infirmary."

 "Understood," I acknowledged. When I finished moving all the bats to the infirmary Alfred came down to the Batcave to treat them. Ember came up to me with a grim look. "Kunoichi the werewolf is still in the cage but we've got a problem," Ember Shadow hissed. 

"What?" I asked. "You were right, there's more than one werewolf" Ember replied, "I compared the werewolf's teeth to a picture of Jason's bite mark I got from the security cameras and it's not a match." I paled at those words. 

"Ok... um... Ember you and I are going out to look for Jason and if we run into any werewolves to capture them and if anyone here is conscious and not to injured I need you to study the werewolf and do some research, see if you can find a cure; even though it's not the one that bit Jason since they're the same species you should be able to find a cure. I think," I ordered nervously. The few conscious bats nodded their heads.

 "Let's do this," Onyx said voice full of confidence. I gave her a small smile and we ran to the zeta tubes and reappeared in the run-down phone booth that we went to the Batcave in.

Jason Todd, WerewolfDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora