A Personal Mission

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We started exiting the building, I'm pretty sure I was the most hyper. We were going outside. I guess the only thing in my head at the moment was the fact that I wanted a slight idea of where we were in the first place.

We walked through the many halls that were literally pissing me off.

"Pass to this to Melody." Ray said, passing a backpack to Mikey to pass to me. "You can look at what's in it when we get in the car." Ray had said as we continued walking. I had my hand on the zipper ready to open it. Which he clearly saw. So I obeyed. We made our way to the door. It was about time.

We walked in a certain order.

Gerard, Frank and Ray walked beside each other as Mikey and I walked behind them. I paid attention to everything. I don't know if it was out of nervousness, a lot of curiosity or if I was just that kind of person.

Gerard pushed the door open and sun shined brightly in our faces.

They automatically took out their shades and put them on. Of course I was the only one without any. I examined everything outside.

We weren't in New York. I knew that for sure. It looked too different.

"Gerard? Where are we...?"

We were basically in an area where there wasn't a lot of buildings and only a few stores. And not even stores that were known world wide, just simple local stores that looked dull and out of business.

"Connecticut." He answered looking around in alert.

"Connecticut?!" I screamed. "We're in fucking Connecticut! Have you maybe thought for a moment that parents, I don't know, MIGHT be worried about me???"

My parents? My parents... I was barely thinking about my parents. But it came out. I didn't come from a broken home or anything, but half the time, they never cared about I do. They never came to comfort me when I had problems. Come to think of it, they never even paid attention to me, they probably never knew I had problems. I bet they didn't even know I was missing.

"Keep your voice down dammit." Frank rolled his eyes who looked extremely irritated by me.

At this point I didn't even care if Frank disliked me, or any of them really, like why? They had no right to do what that did. Take me against my will. Without any GOOD excuse. I started to grow angry. Maybe it was a bipolar thing¿

"Melody," Gerard started speaking, while everyone started staring at me.

"Your parents weren't home the day we took you were they?" He asked with a stern tone.

Suddenly everyone had a sympathetic look on their face. I looked up at Gerard, breathing heavily after the screaming.

I started looking around in the one spot I was standing in. I put my hand in my hair for a spilt second.

I finally looked back to him and answered. "N--no. They weren't." I let out in a semi-shaky voice then swallowed.

"Do you wanna know why they weren't home?" He continued.

I looked at him as my body started heating up. In worry, in anger, in fear of what he was going to say.

I didn't answer. But I gave him a look that showed I wanted to know.

"Your parents were taken as well. The difference? It was by BLI." He exhaled. Come with me." I looked at the guys then back at Gerard.

He took my hand brought me to the side of the building. I automatically looked a Gerard and leaned my body against the wall, then looked down to my feet.

"I don't want you to worry honestly. There's a big chance we can get them back, we still have a lot of time." Gerard spoke calmly and sweetly,touching my cheek with only his thumb gently.

"But what if we can't huh? What if we don't make it?" I spoke back with my negativity kicking in. All of these horrid thoughts were now swimming in my head. That I would never see my parents again. Even if they didn't pay attention to me or probably didn't care about me, I still cared about them. They were my family, and the only family I had.

"Don't think that way." He smiled. "We will get them back. He said determinedly.

I exhaled. I tried to clear my mind. Things just got serious. This definitely wasn't a game anymore...

"You ready to go?" He asked with a warm smile. I was... but I wasn't at the same time. I wanted to get my parents back as soon as possible, but it was also nerve-racking to know that I had to go BATTLE basically to get to my family. Though it's a risk I'm willing to take.

I still had a lot of questions, I didn't want to be annoying but I felt like there were so many things I needed to know...

"Gerard, I don't get something wait," I said tugging on the bottom of his jacket, stopping him from starting to walk. "Why is it so deserted here like this? Why did we have to leave New York?"

He took me by my wrist and start walking us to the car. "BLI is trying to taking over each state. New York is slowly being taken over. But if anything, when we retrieve your parents we can safely return them home."

"Home? Why the hell would we return them to same place they were taken from?" I asked sternly, watching Ray open the car door for me as I nodded a "thank you" and stepped inside.

Gerard snapped his head to me, and I simply looked at him teasingly for an answer. He did the same back and squinted a bit, as I slightly raised eyebrow right back at him. "That's not what I meant. I meant return them to New York but a different location." He said in response, turning the key to start the car, and everyone else joined in.

"Alright, so I guess this is training time for you Melody." Gerard spoke again.

I could hear the half smile in his sentence. And with that, as Gerard started driving, Frank who was sitting in the passenger seat, he turned around to look at me. Frank simply chuckled, "Yeah I don't think she's ready." I looked at Gerard for a response but none was made.

So I decided to look dead in Frank's big beautiful eyes, leaned in reeeeal close to his face, quickly examined his facial features, and said, "Oh TRUST me... I'm ready."

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