chat two

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fred savage reopened the group lit IT kids!

fred savage: dudes my manicure was aMAZING

snazzy: good to hear

weaboo: ooh i want one

dad: ^

resting bitch face: ^

starbucks: wait he was serious

fred savage: yeppers

meme lord: gUYS

meme lord: I NEED  H E L P

snazzy: finnie boi wyd

meme lord: i really like millie and she keeps saying that she doesn't like me like that

meme lord: idk what to do, she seems like she means it

dad changed meme lord to helpless romantic

helpless romantic: hey!

fred savage: ughh

fred savage left the chat

weaboo: what just happened?

snazzy: i literally have no idea

dad: i think he's jealous...

helpless romantic changed helpless romantic to #helpfilliepls

#helpfilliepls: of what tho??

dad: of millie ofc

v team: this is amazing omg

starbucks: chosen you just show up out of nowhere i s2g

#helpfilliepls: guys, i need to think for a bit

#helpfilliepls left the chat

weaboo: well than

resting bitch face: *then

weaboo changed resting bitch face to grammer police

grammer police: *grammar

weaboo: that's it, i'm out

weaboo left the chat

grammer police changed grammer police to grammar police

snazzy: so now it's just me, chosen, jeremy, nicholas, and wyatt

starbucks: nope, i have to go

starbucks: it's a school night

starbucks left the chat

dad: haha loser

grammar police: you're our dad, you shouldn't bully us

snazzy: i'm telling on you

dad: oh shit

dad left the chat

v team: i'm bored

v team: all of the dramatic people left

snazzy: exCUSE ME

v team: excused

v team left the chat

snazzy: why is that always their response??

grammar police: idk but i should go look for my boyfriend and see if he's okay

grammar police: **jaeden

snazzy took a screenshot

snazzy: aHAHA YES

grammar police: it was aUTO CORRECT

snazzy: asdfghjklies

grammar police left the chat

snazzy: #busted

snazzy left the chat

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