the tragedy

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finn stood on the edge of the cliff, watching jack fall.

he couldn't do anything to help him. 

finn came to the realization, in the precious seconds of jack's falling, that not all stories had a happy ending. you can't save everyone.

finn didn't like it one bit. he collapsed on the ground, unable to withstand much more of the trauma he had been through.

his one love had just killed himself. and it was finn's fault.

"he's gone," finn whispered. "he's really gone."

jack's last words replayed in finn's mind, over and over again.

"you won't ever be able to tell me how much you love me."

how would finn live, knowing that those were his best friend's, and lover's, last words?

finn realized that he actually didn't have to live with that. he was sitting on the edge of a cliff, after all. he could end it tonight.

but, finn thought to himself, suicide isn't an option. it isn't a way to get yourself out of your problems.

but this wasn't a problem, was it? what jack had muttered before jumping was more of a promise than a problem. that thought rested heavily on finn's mind as he stood up and walked closer to the edge.

"finn! step away!" sophia shouted. "it can't end like this!"

"finn, i'm calling the police. it's time they got involved." a hurried nicholas pulled out his phone and dialed 9-1-1.

"i can't live without him," finn said. "i won't be able to."

"but you will!" wyatt exclaimed, slowly making his way over to finn. "you're 14, for christ's sake. you'll get through this."

"just step away," jaeden whispered. in all truth, finn was scaring him. he had no idea how he was holding it all together; he had just lost his friend jack to the abyss. this night wasn't going well, as it looked like he was about to lose another.

"i can be with him. i know it. i just have to jump," finn said, his voice getting quieter with every word. he turned towards the cliff.

"stop!" sophia shouted. "stay with us!"

"i love him," finn said, as if jack was still here.

"loved," jaeden whispered. "you loved him." but finn didn't hear.

finn's legs tensed, and sophia knew what was about to happen. she ran forward, but before she could reach him-

"what the hell?" finn mumbled, squinting his eyes. it was dark in the quarry, but finn could hear splashing noises.

his eyes widened, realizing what it could be. he quickly ran away from the edge, racing down the side of the clifftop as fast as possible.

could it be true? finn wondered, his thoughts traveling at a mile a minute. could it?

he pushed his way through branches and plants, attempting to make a path to the body of water below. finn had never ran faster than this in his life.

when he reached the water's edge, he removed his shirt and shoes, leaving him in only his shorts. he dipped a toe into the water; he would most likely freeze to death in the quarry.

but this was more important than his life. finn had already made that quite clear.

he launched himself into the quarry, immediately wishing that it had a heating system. keep swimming, he thought. you have to make it.

he reached the center of the quarry, where a body mass was floating on top of the water. finn couldn't tell if it was breathing or not, but he didn't care. he would bring it to shore. it was his one chance.

finn removed the belt from the figure, but he refused to touch the face to see if it was jack. even though it was a life or death scenario, finn was still squeamish about touching (possibly) dead things. so he attached the belt around himself and secured it to the figure. he then began his hard journey to shore.

when finn reached land, he threw off the belt, grabbed his phone, and shone the flashlight on the figure's face.

it was jack. he was pale and his hair was matted. he looked like death.

finn quickly got to his hands and knees, placing the phone screen under jack's nose. no fog appeared on the screen.

what do i do? finn thought frantically. cpr, you idiot!

finn knew that this would include him "kissing" jack. but that was besides the point. plus, if they both lived through tonight, maybe finn would be able to kiss jack for real.

as finn applied cpr, he felt jack's chest heave under his hands. he backed up, not wanting to be in the way.

jack sat straight up, spitting out water. he blinked his eyes, once, twice. he looked over at finn.

"finn?" jack asked, his voice raspy. "is that you?"

finn only nodded. he slowly moved forward, not wanting to startle jack. but at some point or another, finn always loses control.

"finn, what are you-"

and when finn crashed his lips onto jack's, anyone who had been at the cliff that night would have sworn they saw sparks fly.

a/n: thank you for not killing me. now you can have a happy ending. for now, at least. we still have jyatt and mildie. so that'll be fun.

p.s. to everyone who applied for the reader inclusion thingy, thank you! if you aren't included in this round, there will be many more times we do this type of stuff. we now have a list of people, so have no fear.

author: meli
editor: meli
published: may 17, 2017

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