the move

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jaeden stood on his father's, his own doorstep, shaking furiously. he was walking himself into the hands of his abusive father. and all for wyatt. which he was okay with.

with a sharp inhale, he shove open the door, a strong whiff of alcohol hit him, causing a strong coughing fit.

"d-dad?" he whispered, not seeing him where he expected, on the couch, lazing in front of the t.v. "dad?" he said, a little louder this time.

in response, he only heard a small groan from far away. jaeden dropped his suitcase and jogged throughout the house, in search of his father.

he quickly caught the stench of alcohol grow strong as he headed to his dad's washroom. where there was dozens of alcohol bottles, almost too many to count. which lead to his father laying, yet another bottle in his hand, and in the other, he clenched a large pocket knife, holding it so hard his knuckles drained of colour.

"jay-jaedon?" his father mis-pronounced, jabbing his beer towards jaeden. he swallowed nervously at the sight.


"y-you l-ef-ft me." he mumbled, attempting to push himself up from where he lay.

"you told m-me you wanted me to." he reasoned, despite the state of him.

"i-i wuh-was worried si-sick, i w-was ab-out to stab myself ja.." he spat, coming so close to jaeden, the alcohol stained breath brushing along his skin. "muh-maybe i sho-ould stab you in-st-tead." he whispered, suddenly grabbing the collar of jaeden shirt, pulling the dull knife to his throat.

"no, no, no please no-" jaeden started, but he was cut off by his father.

"you're not allowed to disobey me," his father seethed. "you're not allowed to be a fag like you think you are."

"oh my god, wyatt was right, wyatt-"

"shut your fucking mouth!" his father shouted, putting enough pressure on the blade to draw drops of blood from jaeden's neck. jaeden screamed a scream that would have made anyone alive cry.

"s-stop... please..." jaeden whispered. "i swear, i'll do anything you want, i'll find a girlfriend, i'll get married to a girl, i'll have children, whatever, just stop-"

"i want you to kill that oleff kid."


"you heard me. i want you to kill that queer with this blade," his father commanded, slowly pulling the knife away from jaeden's neck. jaeden let out a breath. he inched his way from his father, until he was at least five inches away.

"i won't." jaeden said, his voice quivering. then again, with more force. "i won't do it."

"then you can die, too," his father hissed. "i won't live knowing that my son is a fag and his friends are gays and lesbos."

"shut up!" jaeden screamed. "you won't touch them! they're my best friends!"

"you'll die first, you little gay shit!" his father shouted, blinded by rage. he grabbed the air for jaeden, landing a punch to his face before grasping his arm and pulling him over to the bath.

just before his father could plunge the blade into jaeden's neck, the front door slamming open could be heard from the dirty, bloody, smelly bathroom. jaeden's father froze, pausing momentarily before attempting to stand up.

jaeden's father began to mumble. "i have to run. i have to get out of here..." 

jaeden shook his head slowly. he knew what was happening, and he wanted to escape.

he would rather have dealt with being gay and everyone knowing than being dead.

his father paced around the bathroom, aware of the oncoming threat that was prowling around downstairs. he snapped his head up towards the window, now knowing how he was going to escape.

he walked quickly towards the window, leaving a frozen jaeden only a few steps behind him. as his father began to lift the window, jaeden walked backwards, further away from his father. one step. two steps. almost at the door-

"i can't leave you here," his father suddenly realized, whipping his hand out again and grabbing jaeden. "i can't force you to come with me, either."

"let me go?" jaeden suggested. it came out as more of a question.

"not an option," his father seethed. "the only logical solution is death."

"what?!" jaeden screamed. "put the bloody knife down! don't kill me!"

his father wasn't listening. as he jabbed the knife towards jaeden's neck, jaeden made the split second decision to wriggle around in his father's grasp.

his father didn't stab him in the neck.

his father stabbed him in the ribs.

"what..." jaeden faded off, losing blood quickly. his father could hear one set of feet stamping up the steps of the house quickly. they were too light to be a grown person's, but his father was too drunk to know that. he quickly jumped out the window, landing on his back on the ground. he didn't move again.

jaeden was left bleeding out on the ground. the door slammed open.

"jaeden?!" wyatt screamed, collapsing beside jaeden who had his hand over the knife, which was still lodged in his side.

finn and jack ran into the room, and finn pulled out his phone, dialing 911. jack ran downstairs, grabbing towels and calling the police.

"jaeden?" wyatt asked gently, shaking him slightly. "jae, wake up."

jaeden didn't respond. his blood continued to flow, eventually covering the bathroom floor and wyatt's calloused hands.

wyatt wept.

a/n: sorry kiddos

author: meli & lily
editor: meli & lily
published: june 5th, 2017

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