chat twenty one

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finn started a chat with jack, annie, grace, freyja, and haley

finn named the chat hospital gang

annie: finn wtf it's 2 am

grace: why are you up so early???

finn: the real question is: why are YOU?

freyja: that's a story for later, i'm assuming you started this chat for a reason, yes?

finn: yes..

finn: i confronted nick.

jack: you're an idiot, finn wolfhard.

finn: and you're beautiful, jack grazer.

grace: aNYWAY

grace: are you seriously that dense???

finn: what?

haley: he doesn't care whether or not you're his brother

haley: once you're out of here, you'll come right back. and it'll be him who lands you in here.

finn: i don't think he would do that.

freyja: and yet, here we are

jack: but finn's brother's a nice guy! won't he show some mercy on his brother??

annie: probably not

annie: nick doesn't know what mercy is

finn: and to think just a few weeks ago our worst problems revolved around who was dating who

grace: well, you two are dating

grace: but this is a life-or-death situation

jack: meaning???

freyja: you're alive right now

freyja: you probably won't be soon

finn: wHAT

haley: it was a mistake that we lived. we were supposed to die in that car crash. the thugs who were following us were after the drugs, and they wanted to dispose of the evidence

jack: this just keeps getting better and better

finn: so what you're saying is that i could get killed

finn: by my own brother?

grace: basically

jack: finn, take screenshots of this entire conversation and your's and nicks. send them to the police.

finn: but they'll find out that we're dating!

jack: i think that at this point, your life is more important than the news that you're gay and i'm bi

finn: i guess so.

finn: okay, i'll do it.

finn: i just want this to be over with.

a/n: y'all know wyatt's best friend rocco on instagram? yeah well we've been sending knock knock jokes and memes back and forth for the past two days !!!

author: meli
editor: meli

published: may 26, 2017

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