i'm really, really sorry.

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so yeah, i do realize I've already messed up my schedule, but i kind of have an excuse and here it goes.

basically often i'll get these mood things where i'll be incredibly bored but i don't feel like doing anything i have available. so i'll just sit staring at my screen until i breakdown crying so. some call this a symptom of depression but who knows and i can't afford a diagnosis so for now you'll just have to put up with me.

so basically my writing is fun for me, i promise, but sometimes it's hard even when i try my best. and that's kinda why our publishing rate has gone hella down. sorry.

i'm not sure what else to say, normally i'd tell you it's okay, i'm okay but i really don't know if i am right now.

but i will be. eventually. because i have friends that love me and are helping me. ty GingerLovegood & okayamelia / meli, i love you guys❤️❤️


this will be uploaded to all of my stories so you don't need to read them all

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