6- Bogoshipda ~

200 33 105


8 pm

" Sorry I was sleeping... I reached home at 5 pm and was very tired.. No, I have to go back tomorrow by afternoon flight.. yeah my company is co-producing that anime, unnie. I am so happy to work on this project.. hahaha but it's very tiring too.. no Jeon Jungkook ssi is just supervising it.. he isn't going back with us again.. huhuhuhu I don't know for how many days I have to stay there I MISS everyone.. Aishhh no... no... I am not missing that evil stepsis bitch or her rich mother.. Unnie, you know I hardly have any friends here.. yeahhh I mean.... my office and my workmates and my daily routine here.. like going to bus stop and read the......... OMO SHIT SHIT SHIT.. Unnie I have to go somewhere right now.. talk to you later.. bye"
she cut the call as soon as she remembered about the notes which she forgot to take out from the pipe hole at the bus stop.. She got out of the house wearing a hoodie as it was cold outside, walking towards the bus stop.. she cursed herself for forgetting the person whom she missed everyday when she was in Japan.. She sighed thinking that she has to go back Japan again.. She ran to the bus stop, her heart was racing high in excitement.. She reached there panting from long run.. she sat on the beach trying to catch her breathe.. also there was people waiting for their bus at the stop so she didn't immediately looked for the notes inside the pipe hole.. she patiently waited for the people to either get in bus or getting off the bus and leaving for their destination.. after 10 minutes of waiting which she felt like ten days while keep tapping her shoes.. She got the chance to be alone at the bus stop.. She looked here and there if someone is looking at her or no.. As there was no one around her.. she swiftly got up and walked to the pipe hole as there was very low light..she took out her phone to use the light of it for looking inside the pipe hole.. she saw few pieces of papers in it and took all of them out one by one.. A big grin formed on her face and while heart beats got faster.. She put all the notes in the pocket of her hoodie and briskly walked towards her home as she was shivering from cold wind blowing against her and was hungry too but more than that she was eager to read his messages.. As soon as she reached home..she had dinner with her father and step sister while having a little chat about her work.. after she finishing dinner she went in her Room and take out all the small notes.. her heart was beating loud and felt like butterflies flying in her stomach.. She started to open and read the notes one by one while feeling hot from her burning cheeks.. was it due to MUCH excitement.. ?

Take care.... (^o^)/

Hope you come back soon....


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Whaaaaat....? (・_・;)

Where is the ID....\(◎o◎)/

heyyyy you back??..(・へ・)


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