7- Kakaotalk

173 29 99


1:30 am

"Shut up nayae, talk to me aishhhh okay I am sorry to call you this late.. yahhhhh okay calling Very late but it's important.. nooooo I didn't tell all this to moyoon. I dont trust her that much.. no no no I can't tell about this to unnie, she will call me stupid and all.. and will get worried.. ottokhae.. Nayae OTTOKHAE??  I am not scared.. emm may be a little.. shut up I am not panicking.....  nervous ?.. wait.. haha no why would I be nervous.. I m not lying nayae, seriously.. ughhhhh I don't know.. I am just... freaked out...  I swear to all the mangas in my room nayae.. What do you mean by you don't believe me.. are you really my friend or not..?? What the Fck I am not pregnant, you are crazy. Yahhhh I didn't do any ring ding dong with him.. how can this be possible I haven't even meet him.. who WHO.. Fck...
you pabo I am not talking about my boss... damnittt hold it I'll tell you FULL STORY.......................................................................... now you get it why I am going crazy at 2am..ughhhh nayae stop laughing and tell me what should I do.. reply him or not.. sigh I know he is still just a stranger but.. no it's like my heart wants to talk to him and my brain is stoping me.. I know right... how an unknown person will hurt :( aishhh right :)
Oh alright I will send you the screen shot of what message he sent to me.. then you tell me what to do next okay.. why are you clapping pabo.. huhh it's not cute cute it's stupid and weird.. ofc its me.. so things has to be weird haha XD.. I just hope unnie won't kill me for doing this stupidity.. fine.. fine I am sending it.. good night bae and thanks XD.. "
She cut the call and looked at the time on phone which was 22:25 am now.. a smile plastered on her face thinking about her best friend nayae and this boy.. she opened her kakao and took the screen shot of the messages and sent it to her friend Id..

Kakaotalk :) IOISJotaku and DivaNayae

DivaNayae- I am waiting~

#1BusanBoy - Beautiful duck

#1BusanBoy - hahahaha this is taengi

#1BusanBoy - hahahaha this is taengi

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#1BusanBoy - Hope you are fine ^-^

#1BusanBoy - I missed you :)

-You saw it aishhh say something

DivaNayae- kyaaaaaaaa *u*
This is so cuteeeeee >∆<

-what ?? That lizard o.O

DivaNayae- aniyaa..that busan boy ^-^

- huhh -_- you only saw his hand nayae

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