Part II: Chapter Two

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Darkness. It's all I see. I hear what sounds like a muffled human voice screaming. It feels like a memory. Soon, I see a person standing above me. Snow. "Regina? Regina?" She repeats. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. "Regina! Oh, you're okay." She hugs me and whispers. "I'm fine... I think." I reply. My head kind of hurt. Maybe it was from the impact of me hitting the water. At least that's what I think happened... I'm in the lower deck of the Jolly Roger. I hear a faint cough. I recognize it... Hook. I glance over and there he is. Standing next to Snow. "Well, since you're okay I guess I'll head back to the upper deck and help Charming steer." She says and looks at Hook. She smiles as she does it. I close my eyes again and try to avoid as much awkwardness as possible. I hear her footsteps slowly fade as she goes back to the upper deck. Drowsiness comes over me quickly and I feel myself drifting off. But, suddenly, something touches my lips. My eyes flutter open and all I see is Captain Hook. "What are you doing?!" I exclaim. "Um. Well, I was-" He stammers. I sit up and he backs away. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to make you more comfortable." He says and holds his hands up in defense. I stand up and quickly walk to the upper deck. I burst through the door and Snow and Charming look at me confused. "Regina, you're feeling better?" Charming asks. "I'm fine.." I say still dazed. I touch my lips with my fingers and relive the moment. "Are you sure? You look sort of-" Snow starts to say. "Are we near Neverland yet? I'd like to find Henry..." I cut her off impatiently. "We're almost there...." Emma says slowly. Hook walks onto the upper deck. "Regina.." He starts. I walk towards the front of the boat and watch the water splash against it. I see the island start to appear. My heartbeat quickens. Finally. I can get off of this boat.

The boat comes to a stop when we reach the shoreline. Hook and Charming jump down first and help us down. Rumplestilskin left early apparently while I was unconscious. He declared he was going to "Face what he's ran away from for so long." I get off of the boat last. Charming and Snow already have headed into the forest to set up camp, Emma.... Who knows what Emma is going to do. Hook lingers by the shoreline and watches the tide. I start walking into the forest to follow Snow and Charming but I stop and take a deep breath. Okay, I'm going to have to face this sooner or later. I walk back towards Hook. "Everything okay?" I ask from behind him. "Yes, everything is well. Just, a lot of memories from when I was last here. Trying to take it all in." He replies. "By the way, I'm extremely sorry about what happened on my ship. I was way out of line." He adds softly. "I didn't mind..." I mumble. Before I could stop myself it already came out. I cover my mouth with my hands. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" He asks and turns towards me. Maybe, this is my chance. "I said;" and walk closer to him. Out of no where, right there on the shores of Neverland, I kiss him. Softly and slowly. "I didn't mind." I whisper. Then I turn around and disappear into the forest.

End of Part II: Chapter Two

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