Chapter Twelve

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Maya made her way to her Mom and Dad's house. She knew her dad was away and she had to talk to someone about this. She wasn't sure what was going on. Maya knew how she felt about Josh but felt like he was just being nice that after what she had walked in that afternoon he wouldn't want anything to do with someone like her. His ex girlfriend was beautiful. Everything Maya thought she wasn't.

"Baby what's wrong"

"Josh's ex girlfriend came over. I don't think I can tell him how I feel mom. I really like him"

"I know you do honey, now why are you crying?"

"She was so beautiful, it's only a matter of time before he realises they should get back together. I don't even think he feels the same way"

"Maya you are beautiful and believe when I say he feels the same. Now would you like to stay for dinner"

"Yes mom, thanks"

Maya really didn't want to go back to the apartment that night but she had no clothes and an early morning class. She has no explanation for her outburst back at the apartment not to mention destiny was probably still there. There was no way of escaping this situation so when she finished dinner she went home. When she opened the door all that greeted her was yelling coming from the bedroom.

"What the hell is wrong with you destiny, I agreed to talk to you this afternoon only because we have been friends for years"

"Well that's not good enough for me"

Maya took this as her cue to leave. She couldn't be around for what she thought was going to be a make up session. Instead deciding to go for a walk. Clearing her head was becoming harder than ever. After everything that had happened in the last few months.

Meanwhile back at the apartment the argument between Josh and Destiny was still going.

"I'm sorry but there is no chance at all that this will ever happen again"

"And why not?"

"Because it just can't"

"There has to be some kind of reason for it"

"I'm in love with Maya" His eyes widened when he realised what he had said. Much to his surprise Destiny had a massive smile on her face.

"Well my work here is done I think I might go sleep on the couch now"

"What do you mean your work, what the hell are you playing at?"

"All you did all afternoon was talk about Maya and you should have seen her face when she walked in and saw me. She was hurt Josh. She likes you too. I wasn't going to sit around and watch you ruin a potential relationship because of all the horrible things I did to you. So I decided to take control of the situation"

"Oh well um thanks I guess. I knew I liked her but I didn't realise until you started pushing how much"

"Well when she gets back tell her. I know I've said this before but I am really sorry for what I did. You were a really good boyfriend and I just ruined all of that"

"It's fine, I guess I can call you a real friend again"

"I guess you can, good night Josh" she hugged him and made her way to the couch.

"Good night"

Maya had cleared her head as much as possible. She paused outside of the apartment and was surprised to hear silence. She thought she knew for sure what was going on and felt a pang of jealousy. Much to her surprise Destiny was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey Maya"

"Oh uh hey"

"Can we talk about something"

"I guess"

" I hurt Josh a while back and no I don't want to get back with him. I saw the way you look at each other Maya. You both need to be a bit more hopeful of whatever it is you guys have going on. He told me about you and your ex boyfriend forget him, I can tell Josh really likes you so please don't throw it away because of him"

" I'm not good enough for him though"

" Are you kidding? You are more than enough for him. All I heard about all afternoon was how great maya was, how pretty Maya was, how funny Maya was. Seriously I almost hit him a few times it was getting annoying. Just tell him how you feel. You don't have to do it straight away just when you get the courage to"

"Thanks Destiny, I'm going to go to bed. Good night"

"No worries, Good night Maya"

When Maya's head hit the pillow it took her hours to actually fall asleep. Maybe there was something special between them, she just had to find the right time to tell him.

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