Janitor's Closet

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I heard fucking in the janitors closet was a thing at that school. I never knew I'd fall in love In this school.

This clique we're associated with often talks about the exorcist and it's hilarious since it's a really scary movie. Then again, I understand how it'd be funny since Joy and Yeri act possessed most of the time.

Jamie told me to join her in the janitor's closet at lunch. I wasn't really afraid to do so. It sounds fun.

The janitors closet at this school isn't bad at all. There's enough room for both of us to stay in so it's all good. Jamie set me on the small table and smiled at me while unbuttoning my shirt. I always make sure to wear button up shirts since I actually find unbuttoning shirts really nice. She began to kiss my chest and she let me unbutton her shirt. I rubbed her chest and fondled her a bit. She was still going for my neck. Then she moved her head up and began to make out with me. She kept her hands at my hips while mine were around her head.

She slowly stopped and looked at me with another beautiful gaze. Then she looked down.

"My eyes are up here," I teased.

"But your zipper's down there," she said unzipping my pants and placing her fingers in the right spot.

The lock in the janitors closet must be very loud and useful since no one can hear my moaning and screaming.

I never thought girl on girl sex would be enjoyable.

I'm supposed to tell the variety show my experience when we return.

I don't know if I can explain this.

Jamie lifted me so that she could be carrying me while we do this. She kissed my neck while holding me with one hand and slapping my butt with the other.

I was really turned on. I'm getting wet.

Till next time.

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