14 0 0

Jamie and I haven't even been dating for a year and we already did it more than three times.

Then again, it's America.

Jamie told me she had something planned for me on march 18. It's march 14 today. I feel like it's sex. But I know I should trust in Jamie cuz maybe this time, it'll be more than sex. It'll be something special. Hopefully.

I actually wouldn't have a problem if the planned thing was sex.

I sleep at Jamie's place more than with the girls, so I had my luggage moved to Jamie's place. I guess you can say I moved in with her.

It's march 14. Tuesday. It's after school and Jamie hasn't made any sexual moves yet. I see. Taking it slow. That's good.

At night, usually with Jamie, I'm sleeping naked. But tonight, I actually put on my pajamas (sweater and sweatpants). Jamie wore a regular t-shirt and sweatpants.

After getting fixed up in the bathroom, I climbed into bed next to Jamie. I got under the blanket and put my arm around Jamie and closed my eyes. Jamie, who was awake still, kissed my head and rested her head a little on it as we slept. It was so nice and peaceful.

March 15. I woke up with a smile because Jamie had cooked breakfast for us.

At school, jamie kept asking as if the something she planned didn't exist. I was anxious to know about it, but she was good at keeping it a secret. At the beginning of lunch, I saw her at the student store buying a water. I quickly walked up behind her and scared her. She turned around in fear but her frown turned to giant smile when she saw it was me.

"You know, you actually scared me," she uttered.

I laughed. I didn't know my baby got scared so easily. And she's so vicious in bed.

She handed me a fruit snacks pack. So thoughtful.

"Did you know the girls were thinking of going on battle of the bands?" She asked.

"Actually no. But really?" I asked. Literally. We're already a famous girl group, haha. But I think it's pretty cool that the girls are gonna show more of their instrument skills.

Jamie and I slowly walked to the Dropkick clique territory talking about school stuff.

"What's the lunch? I never got to check," I asked.

"Noodles, bread, and your choice of milk or water."

This school's lunch choice was either good, average, or just crap.

Dropkick Clique Territory
Most of the clique members were either playing cards or just sleeping.

Joy's POV

Yes, I'm the guitar player in our battle of the bands entry band. I learned for the liar and his lover, so I got used to it.

Hmm, I wonder if Irene unnie is gonna eat her bread.

Irene's POV

Yes Satan, I'm gonna eat my bread.

Yeri's POV

*mocking oprah*
"I love bread. I love BREAD. I LOVE BREAD," I exclaimed as I shoved the bread in my mouth.

Seulgi's POV

*slurps noodles but struggles a little*

These aren't easy to slurp.

I turned to my left side and I see Irene slurping the life out of these noodles. Irene was in another world slurping those noodles.

Joy was going to steal her bread, but Irene quickly un-slurped and gave Joy "the look".

Joy was going to steal her bread, but Irene quickly un-slurped and gave Joy "the look"

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Irene's POV

Our battle of the bands entry is like this

Joy - guitar player , vocals
Me- vocals
Seulgi- guitar, vocals
Yeri- taking drum lessons, vocals

Yeri's POV

*continues mocking Oprah*

Saeron's acting skills rubbed off on me.

I should send her a postcard.

Wendy's POV
Days passed and it's finally march 18.

I woke up in Jamie's bed, but Jamie wasn't next to me. I got up and walked into the kitchen. The first thing I saw was beautiful.

A table for two with plates full of homemade pancakes and orange juice. As I got closer, Jamie appeared from behind and handed me a rose.

"What's all this for?" I asked smiling.

"Your favorite number is 77, right?" Jamie said.

"Yup." I responded.

"Well, you and I have been together for 77 days."

The fact that Jamie even counted is the sweetest thing ever. The most romantic thing I could imagine.

Ha. Imagine if someone's favorite number was one.

I jumped on Jamie to kiss her. She held me and kissed me back.

Jamie sat me down and we ate breakfast together. Then, Jamie told me to close my eyes. I listened. When she told me to open them again, she had a ring in her hand.

She wasn't proposing by the way. She gave me the ring As a present for our 77th day anniversary.

We finished eating breakfast. It was a Saturday and it was our 77th day together.

You know what we did. ;)

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