They're Everywhere

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Yes, couples are everywhere.  New girl Dro and Irene are hitting it off very well.

And when I say hitting it off, I mean they're a couple.

Meanwhile, Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri are either dating food or bears.

Or each other.

The entire lunch time Jamie and I were trying to put their names together for their ship.


Ireo (got crossed off immediately)

We like drorene better.

"But I like direne cuz if you say it a certain way it sounds like "iron"," Joy pointed out.

That was true. Well it's up to them to decide.

The next day at lunch, Jamie wanted to take me to the janitors closet. I wanted that too.

When Jamie and I were walking to the door, we noticed the light was on, which was odd because the light is only ever on whenever Dropkick members are making out in there.

No shame, Jamie opened the door and we saw the most surprising thing.

Irene and Dro.

Jamie and I closed the door and walked back to the clique.

"Well, that was interesting," Jamie said.

"Yeah. They didn't lock the door."

Yeri was talking about having a video chat with Saeron and Joy accused her of cheating (again) so they had that usual mini argument.

Seulgi was with Cristin and kelvin gobbling on some pizza flavored Pringles.

Jamie took me home to her place (like always) and started talking to me about how much she loves me.

I actually wish we could come home like this everyday. It's so nice and precious.

"When you actually started the kiss, I fell in love with you more. I actually fall more in love with you every single day. I always learn something new about you and I love it." Jamie told me with happy eyes and a happy smile.

I've never been so happy.

"I love you. I wanna continue to love you, and I know I will. I wanna let the world know you're mine and I wanna keep you in my arms forever. You changed me. I used to enjoy being single and just spend most of my time doing stupid shit with my clique/closest friends. But when you came into my life, like literally came, I learned how to love. I learned to smile more. I learned to be nicer, because you're literally the kindest person ever," she continued.

Wow. Basically Jamie would shelter herself from the kindness before she was with me. I changed her. I did that.

"Son Seu-seungwan--"

Jamie always struggled to say my real name, but to me it was the cutest thing ever. I love her for making an effort to try and say my real name and not just always call me "Wendy".

"Seungwan, will you make me the happiest and most luckiest, and marry me?" Jamie proposed as she held a ring out.

I Was staring at the ring, thinking of my future with Jamie. I definitely saw a good one.

Jamie is mine and I'm hers. Forever.

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