Round One

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Yes, Irene and Dro have made out in the janitors closet and are often seen together, but they haven't made it official apparently.

I know I said previously they were a couple, but really they haven't told us anything. They're just always together and making out, but they never said they were official.

Today at lunch we were all sitting together just eating and talking. This guy was walking towards us really fast. Usually when someone walked towards Jamie's territory, her friends/clique would inspect him. However, they didn't Inspect this guy.

Irene and Dro were talking, and Dro looked up at the guy. She seemed to find him attractive, as she kept staring.

"Jamie!" The guy called out.

I was worried. Who was this dude calling my girlfriend?

"Hi Kyle." Jamie responded.

I nudged her shoulder asking who it was.

"He's my brother," Jamie answered.

Oh. I see being attractive runs in the family.

"Jamie, can I borrow your phone charger until after school?" Kyle asked.

Jamie gave him the charger, and he was ALMOST off.

He saw Dro. He was fascinated by her beauty.

Irene was shaking.

Then I again, I remember Jamie told me she had a brother that stans red velvet. Was it this one?

Yes, I saw his phone. Seulgi is his wallpaper, but Seulgi was too busy working on a bear mandala to notice.

"Can I get you a drink?" Kyle asked dro, which was the most common asking out question in America.

I'm sure her smile was a yes.

He smiled.
"Alright, after school I'm getting you a drink--"

"AND I'M getting dinner," Irene jumped in. She was only talking about her and Dro.

"Ooh, scandalous," Yeri uttered while playing with one of Jamie's friend's lighter.

To be honest, it was an interesting love triangle born at that moment.

Kyle was about 8 inches taller than Irene. It was like a German Shepherd and a chihuahua. Like A 4 year old against a 17 year old. Like an ant against a cat. He was just super tall and she was smol.

Irene's POV

I wasn't gonna let Jamie's brother steal Dro from me. Jamie already snatched Wendy (hahahaha.....) . I'm happy for them by the way.

Dro and Kyle went to McDonald's and got drinks there, but Jamie made me follow so I can keep an eye on my girl.

Nothing much happened. They seem to be getting along, but only as friends, which was a relief.

Then when she was about to leave, he grabbed her hand.


I was gonna jump to attack him, but Jamie pulled me back and told me to relax.

I don't know if Wendy ever said it but Jamie always says "relax". Like, it's her catchphrase. And she doesn't just say it. She really emphasizes the letters in the word.

"RELAX". Say that emphasizing the letters.

Anyways, I relaxed. After a make out session with me, you wouldn't wanna leave.

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