Be Prepared - An Article by @RoshelleD

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As we embrace an invasion of aliens in this issue of Tevun-Krus, I found I couldn't decide on a subject. First I wanted to focus on some alien invasion movies from the past thirty years. Then I was going to narrow the focus and talk about what an alien invasion might look like. There were a couple more articles that came to mind after that, but they all proved to be boring. I scrapped everything and went back to the beginning.

First off, would there be an alien invasion? The answer's yes according to Travis Taylor and Bob Boan. They feel the Milky Way galaxy alone is home to numerous alien species. They also think it's unrealistic to assume these aliens are above resorting to all out war if they felt the need.

So what's an Earthling to do? Is it foolish for us to expect we can communicate with them and reach a common ground?

Taylor and Boan obviously think so. But there are many who feel we could find a way. It might mean aliens growing to like us through assimilation and learning of our ways (unlikely). Maybe we would have something they desperately need, and they wouldn't be able to kill us because we'd have to be kept alive in order to get it (50/50). No matter how it happens, we should be prepared for anything. With that in mind, I've put together a short list of things to help you out should an actual invasion ever occur.

1. Weapons. This one's a no brainer, but I still wanted to include it. Whether we're fighting an all out battle a la Independence Day or covertly finding them while they attempt to hide, we'll need some way to fight. Now how would we do that? One way is to engage in hit and run warfare. Since we would ideally know the planet's terrain better than the aliens, we could get close and give them a bloody nose before we retreated. I personally feel this can only go so far. After a while, we'd have to take the fight to them. If we could exploit their vulnerability (like maybe their brains can't detect aluminum or copper), we could gain victory.

2. Supplies. Should we suddenly discover people have been taken over by aliens, or that we had to retreat underground, we would need a way to eat and heal when we got wounded or sick. Food, water, clothes, medicine, and a porn stash would be ideal (kidding on the last one!). Also a wind up radio, candles, and a way to power vehicles would be important. This list could go on and on if I let it, so I'll stop now. Stock up.

3. Bug out locations- These are places set up away from your main residence. You might have them ready with friends or within a network of people who have prepped for disaster. The best course of action is to have one in two to three different directions. The idea is to stay at home if it's safe, but once that's been compromised, you should be ready to move. You also don't want to keep all of your essentials in one spot, so this helps with that.

4. Intel- This is where you can go back to your network again. If you know where they are and how they're moving, you might catch the aliens off guard. While we wouldn't have those glasses they used in 'They Live', some night vision goggles and sugar water might go a long way to pacifying the creatures. Or better yet, we might be able to discover the one thing that takes them all out. Another good reason to make sure your info is in order would be because if the government's helping them, you'd want to know that too. Paul Krugman believes that an alien invasion would fix the economy, which means it's not that much of a stretch.

So there you have it. Armed with strength and ready to kick some ass, as long as we prepare, we'd be ready for an alien invasion. Or maybe we wouldn't have to worry about one at all. Perhaps the aliens would come seeking peace and want to reach a common goal with no killing involved.

Would that be wishful thinking though?

We'll have to wait and find out. In the meantime, get your shit together.   

Tevun-Krus #41 - Alien InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now